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More Misspelled VD FB Bullying. . .If It Weren't So Pathetic. . .

Auteur's picture

It would be laughable. As you may know VD is doing HORRIBLY in school. Now she's even failing the fru fru subjects. Apparently her contemporaries are getting wind of VD's pure laziness and "I'm Number One" attitude. GG would be SOOOO proud of his princess!

In this case she's pissing off former "boyfriends" who change on a daily basis:

VD: REALLY??? If U wana say something 2 me us say it 2 my face!!! dont u dare tell me ur side of the storie!! don't make me give u another pease of my mind!!

Boy responds: Ok if u want to get mad just because I'm trying to help u then whatever.

VD: no, i won't get mad i'll get piss off. . .no don't help me id dont want u 2 help me i want u 2 get out of my life and stay out of it and if u dont ill go jacky chane on u!! u here me

Ahhh so lady like. . .daddy would be PROUD!! :sick: :sick:


alwaysanxious's picture

Oh, I'll go you one better. SD15 (at the time) was having insult competitions with a boy on fb chat. She didn't erase any of them and we read them (her dad too). She told this boy to suck his father's d*c* among other things.

Pretty mouth indeed. Dad just said he didn't want to say anything because he didn't want her to know he looked. Well, SO you asked her for your password, what did she think you were going to do?

Auteur's picture

Well she just turned 13 so give it a few years Dirol

She's already told her brother (on FB) to go suck on his girlfriends face.

starfish's picture

aut, maybe we can have joint baby showers for our sd's ~ hahahahahahahahahaha

since graduation seems out of the picture..... }:)

starfish's picture

}:) glad you like it.... i can really only take so much of it, but i couldn't resist!!!

cant win for losin's picture

I LOVE it when you share her facebook chronicles. I LMAO. I have a couple of people i like to read up on, because their spelling is soo awful, and their 6th grade education shines brightly. These are adults mind you. LOL

beyond pissed-off's picture

"Marianas Trench F" - love it! Mind if I steal it for use about my skids' academic performance? Imitation IS the most sincere form of flattery you know.....

Auteur's picture

feel free! UPDATE: Brainiac SS15's grades came in. He's sustaining a high D average! Daddy will be PROUD! Oh and they are back to pretending to ask GG for permission to have VD re-evaulated for "learning disabilities--other" What a JOKE!

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

An affront to the hero of my peoples! Lol but seriously, I wonder how these kids even happen? Like it doesn't make any logical sense... (Does the phrase "natural selection" come to mind?)

Auteur's picture

Here's the total ridiculousness of it all. . . .ALL THREE SKIDS WERE PLANNED!!!