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Great. Birthday with the skid

Bex_S's picture

Just needed a vent. So today is my birthday....the one day of the year I thought I'd have a say with whether the brat comes over. Apparently not. DH knows I don't like her or her company, yet he's brought the little shit over anyway. I was looking forward to a nice day with my husband and my son, but I'm going to have my second birthday in a row ruined by the skid.


Husband's wife's picture

What I am doing for my birthdays, is to plan a romantic getaway with DH. Without any kids, including our common daugther. 
In this case no one can force me on having anyone else around, it is not kid's time but our time. For DH's birthday, he has one with his relatives, including the boy. And we have a second one with just us. Long distance helps! 

I am sorry for your ruined day, but still I wish you a very happy birthday ! 

tog redux's picture

Happy Birthday!

Is this his regular parenting time? If so, I don't think it's reasonable to ask him to give it up just because it's your birthday.  Next year, plan something fun for yourself with friends/family/alone to get you out of the house, and then plan something with DH for when he doesn't have SD.

Mandy45's picture

You should of just rang up a few girlfriend went for a night out on the town kids arent allowed in bars. And it your birthday you can do what you want. Oh I'm always thinking  Happy birthday. 

NarcissisticSkids's picture

To me, your birthday is the one day of the year that you should be able to "have it your way"...the skid can come over any time, this is your day-nothing wrong with the day being all about you. One year on my birthday, my DH "surprised" me with a dinner at a local restaurant--at the table was HIS mother, HIS kids, and HIS kids girlfriends- none of whom I liked. Yes, you can say I was ungrateful, and spoiled, but spending MY birthday with people I actually liked would have been nice!!!!

Merry's picture

Happy birthday! It's my birthday too! Know what I'm doing today? Laundry and cleaning and packing for a trip to Skidville that DH and I have been arguing about. And we never argue. 
Im not one to pine for the past, but damn I used to love the holidays.

Bex_S's picture

Exactly, that's all I want. I don't want to sound spoiled, but my birthday is the one day a year that's about me and not me running around after everyone else. It would have been nice to be able to do what I want. I made sure my husband's birthday was all about him and we did what he wanted...a shame I wasn't extended the same courtesy. 

Jcksjj's picture

Hey we're birthday twins! I'm also severely annoyed that I had to spend my birthday watching skid get special treatment at family Christmas and run around begging for attention the entire day. So I feel your pain.