Selective eyesight
Okay our house rule that my dh came up with was that all of our kids need to eat in the kitchen only. When my kids or his younger 2 kids absentmindedly meander out of the kitchen while chewing dh is on them but when pinches oldest sd sneakily tip toes in, quietly opens the cabinet and grabs an entire bag of cookies and then tip toes back to her room he sees nothing???
Me to him: hey hun, sd just took a bag of cookies into her bedroom. Him: she did? Are you sure? Me: yes! Go look. Him: I'm right in the middle of something I'll bring it up to her later.
I don't get it?!? Why does his oldest get away with murder and all of the other 4 kids we have between us get away with nothing?
We have only been married for 6 months and this recurring fight is going to be the death of us.
- blending2012's blog
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^^ sorry not pinches oldest
Thank You Rising above it. We
Thank You Rising above it. We at my house have lived in silence for over 6 months now, disengaging went crazy because I am dealing with a child I think is certifiable.
I am taking my house and my life back and Im using this if ya dont mind
"Either you call her out on breaking a house rule or I WILL- and I won't be as nice about it!"
Isn't it AMAZING!!! I deal
Isn't it AMAZING!!! I deal with that shit ALL the time! SD would act like the biggest brat, do whatever the hell she wanted, ignore everything we said. DH would cut her slack all the time. SS's he would ride them like no other.
SD no longer comes over ( long story) but now the SS's get to do whatever the hell they want to do. My adult bio's live with us because of school, work, commuting etc. My kids help out around the house, taking care of 2 of the 3 bathrooms, towels for the bathrooms, take care of skids when asked, do their laundry, rooms etc. However, if my kids make one slip, he's on me like white on rice!
DH also has adult kids too. Here's how DH's double standard went ....
DH Blue make sure that you never park on the new patio, it'll ruin it.
me, ok
DH Blue, your right front tire is 2" on the patio.
Me Ok, I'll try to be more careful.
Me DH SS34 parked his ENTIRE CAR on the patio. You need to speak with him
DH Oh, Ok but it's probably settled now
(never speaks to SS34)
3 YEARS Later....
DH, Blue your right front tire is sitting 2'' on the patio
Blue, I'll take of that as soon as you speak with SS37 }:)