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SS's bday

bookgirl's picture

Ugh, I survived the bday party. I no longer have to go to parties where BM & her family are present, but I still had to sit there & watch SS refuse to eat anything but candy & demand everyone give him presents. Thank god DH lost the notion of getting him a Nintendo DS, I can't think of a better way to waste that much money on a kid who can't keep his glases in one piece for more than a week. One more night to go, I have work in the morning & I'm thinking i'll try out my new running shoes nice & early. It's either that or lose if I'm stuck here at home working like a house elf cooking & cleaning for two kids that just sit there with dumb cow expressions demanding that I somehow find a way to entertain them in the meantime. Ugh, I'm thinking it'll be one of my longer, better workouts.