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I know I am petty, but venting makes me feel better

borrowedtime83's picture

I hate how I am the last person to find things out.

I had to make plans for dropping off my son on Sunday afternoon, and I told his father that SO would take him when he went to pick up SD10 from BM. Then, come to find out, MIL and StepFIL had taken SD10 that weekend and they are dropping her off at 6pm Sunday. So now I have to get a hold of DS father and make new arrangements with him.

Sunday comes, and its around 5 p.m. I am just starting dinner, and SD10 and MIL show up at the door. WTF. Pretty sure I can tell time and 5pm is not 6pm and she didn't bother to let us know. What if we hadn't been home? Stupid lady.

Then of course SD10 comes in, arms laden with gifts and shopping bags piled so high she can barely see. SO takes her outside to shoot her BB gun while DD and I finish dinner. I start fixing the plates, and tell DD to go get SO and SD10 from outside, and then, after the table is all set, I get told, "Oh, SD10 already went out to dinner with my mom." Of course she did, thanks anybody for telling me that before. If it was pot roast or something like that, yeah, annoying, but no big deal, just another dirty plate to wash. But I made friggin' TACO SALADS in baked tortilla bowls, and up to the point I put the tortillas in the oven somebody coulda told me she ate and I would have made only 3. How do you save a taco salad? You don't, it's a one time deal, tastes like crap the next day.

So SD proceeds to spend the evening rubbing all of her new crap in DD's face and decides to give DD a cast-off sweatshirt, which she should be eternally grateful for, and just shoves her pile of clean laundry to the back of her desk so she can do stuff at her desk. Not to mention, she now has literally over 150 bottles of miniauture hotel shampoo, conditioner, soap, and lotion all over her room because she went and cried to MIL that she doesn't like the toiletries WE buy and we won't purchase her separate things that she picks out. (*GAG*)

This is also the same SD who was just taken on a shopping spree like 2 weeks before school started, and lost half of an outfit the very first day of school. MIL had bought her a bunch of new things from Target, and one outfit was a tank top, leggings, a button-up dress, and a white cardigan, which SD10 wore to school the first day. She got hot and took off both the sweater and the dress and was running around school in just leggings and a spaghetti strap top. She didn't bring home the dress or sweater and still can't find them.

Is it too much to ask to not live with a spoiled, materialistic, ungrateful brat? This is for sure not the way to accomplish that. Yeah, she is NOT my kid, and it's not my job to tell MIL and her husband how to spend their money, but MY DD lives here too and I hate having to deal with that crap all the time. It makes me sick to think about it.


zerostepdrama's picture

I used to think (way way way back, when I was naive) that I wished my bio and the skids were the same age. (mine is 9, skids are ages 15-21). Now I am so grateful, for this very exact reason.

onstrike's picture

You are not being petty. It is so disrespectful for your dh not to let you know immediately if there are changes in the schedule! How can you plan things when it's all willy nilly like that! I wouldn't like sd parading around in all of her "cool new stuff" either. Your dh needs to teach her some class and some manners. I would immediately demand that dh make you aware of any and all schedule changes with sd and that he not allow anyone do screw with it. No unannounced drop off or pick ups of skids!!

Teas83's picture

I feel bad for your DD. It's too bad your SD flaunts all the new stuff she gets from her grandparents.

borrowedtime83's picture

I feel bad for DD sometimes, also, but she has pretty much everything she needs, and so does SD10. Although, I admit that I would like to go buy DD a wardrobe of new clothes since pretty much all she gets is SD10's give away pile. But I know she is just going to trash it since she is only 8 and it's not worth spending the money. She has nice things that I keep put away for church and special occasions. None of the kids need more SH*T, though!
I just want to say to MIL, quit coddling SD10 and buying, buying, buying all of this stuff she doesn't appreciate. All she does is lose it and flaunt her spoils in front of my kid. Get her some private violin lessons or pay for her to be in basketball, even get a Wii game or something they can all do together! We can provide our kids clothing and shoes and toothpaste and shampoo/conditioner! She doesn't need FIVE winter jackets in one size!!!!! Smdh!

stepinafrica's picture

Those people are ruining your SD by giving her such obvious preferential treatment. I don't understand how you can claim to love a child and not want to bring up that child in the right way. She will become an entitled brat that no one will want to be around.

borrowedtime83's picture

Yeah, I agree. Plus it sets a bad example for my DD, and makes parenting my kid harder when she sees SD10 getting bags of gifts and clothes and wonders why she doesn't. And, surprise shocker, I went into SD10's room with a few items of clean laundry and there are bags all over her dresser, clean laundry from Sunday smushed up all over her desk still, and another pile of new clothing all wrinkled up on her desk chair from leaving it there and just sitting on it instead of putting it away. I actually saw the book she was reading splayed open with the spine resting on TOP of her clean clothes pile, so she obviously saw her laundry pile and ignored it. I tell you what, if she isn't gonna use her dresser, I could sure use another for my room!