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Bio mom wants our trash...

Bradymom's picture

For three times when I clean out drawers or rooms, just simple cleaning out broken toys, old drawings, outgrown or stained clothing, etc. The step kids go to bio moms & no crap--- my husband gets a text saying the kids are upset that step mom is changing things. I'm not throwing out precious memories! So this final time I text her personally, "I am cleaning out rooms & drawers, if you feel the kids are genuinely upset I will bag up the discarded things & bring them to you, for you to save things & go thru them with your kids." To my surprise she said "Yes, please do. Please don't throw anything away." So my husband & I drug out 8 full sizes trash bags to her front door. She was very thankful. Well 2 years have passed & I've cleaned rooms & drawers out every six months, with no guff from the step kids or bio mom. Perhaps she didn't feel it necessary to get her kids lone socks, pajamas with the crotches torn out, magazine clippings, candy wrappers, broken Mc Donald's toys, Barbies with custom hair cuts, dried up fingernail polishes, empty lotion bottles & a FULL SHOE BOX of the teen boys "pleasure" ewwww. I have to say my husband & I were very happy to drop the bags off with her, it saved us $ not having to go to the dump. This came up with the custody evaluator, we were told the bio mom has an obsession with our home & what goes on, stemming from it being their family home together. My husband bought her out of the home... They were divorced 4 years before we married & she is also remarried. Anyone have bio mom having an obsessive attachment to your current home?


Bradymom's picture

A bunch of hard paper towels & Kleenex wadded up in the box. From pleasuring himself. It's the bio moms properly now!!!! She wanted to make sure I wasn't throwing away "memories" haha, well I was I guess. Ewww.

Bradymom's picture

I know!!! At least it shut her up. We died laughing at the thought of her going thru the bags.

anotherstepmom's picture

Oh wow!! I have never heard of a Bio mom doing that, weird!!! I sure hope BM isn't attached to DH's and (now) my home!! DH and BM built a beautiful log home and less than a year later she left him, he then lived alone w/ SS's for 7 years until I came in the picture.

Bradymom's picture

Creepy to say the least... I wouldn't put it past her to go they our trash or enter our home while we are out of town. When we went away recently for several days, I had someone stay at the house.

Bradymom's picture

Very. Very. I am constantly shaking my head wondering how she can behave & think like she does.

misSTEP's picture

Wow. Luckily my DH and BM never owned property together so I have no problem with "old memories" crap from BM.

However, once all our garbage disappeared. We have no idea what happened to it. The only thing I can think is that BM loved to hire Private Investigators & maybe she did to us too. She even hired one to follow my SD.

Drac0's picture

> I have to say my husband & I were very happy to drop the bags off with her, it saved us $ not having to go to the dump.<

Pssst...You wouldn't happen to be willing to share her address here would you?