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Dressed to annoy

Bradymom's picture

Do you think your ex dresses your kids or bio mom dresses them to annoy you?

One of my sons wears my ex's shirts! & my ex is like 280! & my son is tall but way skinny!!! I know he does it on purpose cuz I hated these particular shirts when we were together. I've been "taking them out of rotation" piling them in the laundry room for about 2 years now. I just threw out 12 xxxxl tshirts!!!!

Bio mom does the same crap! SD7 comes with trashing saying shirts. Like "love me or leave me, either way it's all about me" "why have one boyfriend when you can have em all" etc. Messages from the whore herself.


PeanutandSons's picture

I hate the way my in-laws dress the skids when they buy clothes for them. I don't think its to annoy me, I just think they have shitty taste.

Bradymom's picture

With step sons, they always always always love the clothes we give! SD7 bio mom bags clothes up 6 months later & gives them back to us. With tags. This has happened 2x. DH still this Christmas, shopping is all "let's get her this!?" Um no. What's the point?! SD sees something in store, loves it, we give it for a gift. She isn't allowed to wear it. We have begun buying things & saying they stay at our house. Hate to do that....but.

Lalena75's picture

Nope BM doesn't even dress the kids, she lets them dress themselves and doesn't care enough to make them change if they look like homeless bums. that and she's usually gone in the AM anyway so that also falls on their GBM, who also gives no F's hence why sd's hair was in near dreadlocks since no one made sure her hair was actually brushed through.

Bradymom's picture

SD7 is the only one bio mom dresses. And yep we gave had to make her change. One time when I wasn't at pick up DH made daughter go into house, told her to put leggings or tights on & texted that to bio mom. That prompted 30 min of angry texts from her saying "don't tells how to parent" etc. She was wearing a dress that was 2 sizes too small. In winter. It looked like a shirt.

askYOURdad's picture

Yes! Ex always dresses bios in clothes that are too small and keeps new ones... I took advice from here and buy them cheaper clothes from goodwill or walmart and send them there in those... peace of mind ever since.

Mercury's picture

Ahhh! Just saw this as I was posting below. Good idea. We enjoy staying active when the skids are over and I really feel sorry for them when they don't have coats (or even long pants!)

Bradymom's picture

Yep we have texted before "going camping" she sends SD7 with 3 holiday dresses in the summer!!!! Grrrrr

Mercury's picture

Yes. Over the summer the skids kept showing up in the exact same T-shirts every single freaking week they came over. SS's was a Tim Tebow shirt and SD's was from some religious camp BM sent her to and had a bible verse on the front of it.

DH and I are both non-religious and BM is an extreme fundamentalist and worries that we are evil influences on "HER" children. Funny that she calls them HER children to DH. Funny that she refuses to see that DH and I actually hold ourselves to higher moral standards than she does sometimes (subjective, I know). Funny that she has never even asked the kids what their beliefs are. They are pre-teens. I'm sure they have already made up their own minds, not that they would ever in a million years feel free to talk to her if their views even slightly deviated from her own narrow world view.

Also, for the past month she has been sending them over in inappropriate clothing for the given weather conditions. We live in the south but it's been damn cold here lately. I think it's a lame attempt at getting DH to take them shopping. He used to give her extra money for clothes, child care, or whatever until our lawyer told him to STOP since CS already covered the things he was buying.

Bradymom's picture

Same here! Ballet flats when we have a foot of snow!!! Short sleeves, no coat when it's 24 degrees!!!

Bradymom's picture

I make dusting rags with them... One time use throw them out after. So I wash them, cut them up, throw them out as they are used. That way I don't feel so wasteful. Haha.

Mercury's picture

Yes! I used SD's T-shirt to wash my car and then disposed of it. lmao. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who does these things. I haven't told DH, I'm scared he'd think I'm an immature baby about it.

StepKat's picture

I should feel lucky lol. BM is self obsessed and only cares what other think about her. This means if the kids look bad (or in bad looking clothing) it looks bad on her. Therefore, she makes sure the kids look good so she will look good.

Bradymom's picture

SD7 shows up in PRINCESS PLASTIC DRESS UP HEELS!!! She even lets her wear them to school!!! Insane.

StepKat's picture

I can understand that. For me, the war would not last forever. I will toss anything that is not appropriate, BM can throw her fit and get over it.

Bradymom's picture

Nothing has been said about the xxxxl shirts I've been stock piling. Smile and when we have taken a few of SD clothes nothing was said either.

Bradymom's picture

We have. She has multiple pairs! Should just keep doing it until bio mom gets the message. DH has told her not to let her wear those & will send her back to house if she does. But when we pick her up from school & that's what she has on?!?! These are the plastic costume cheapy crappy things. Never designed to wear outside.

Drac0's picture