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Another cancellation of SD16's b-day

brutallyhonest's picture

BF and MIL planned another b-day party for SD16 over the weekend. This after she refused to return any of their calls a few weeks ago on her actual b-day and then told them she didn't want to come over for ice cream, cake and presents.

So BF and MIL plan a party for Saturday. MIL was going to talk SD16 shopping and then we would all meet for dinner. Big Surprise, SD16 canceled Friday night, her message said she has something else she wanted to do. MIL's feelings are hurt and she is very upset with SD16. Not that she will TELL SD16 that she is hurt by her obvious disregard for her and BF's side of the family. BF is also thinks SD16 is being a brat, but of course no one will call her on it, so I don't really expect the behavior to self-correct anytime soon.

I wonder if BF and MIL will insist on the "3 strikes and you're out" rule for birthday parties or if they will just keep re-scheduling a party every few weeks indefinitely? I was ready to take the presents to the homeless shelter and give them to kids that would be grateful for b-day presents, but that's just me.

I suppose SD16 is digging her own hole and I'm totally fine with that, I just hate having to watch MIL and BF get beat-up on the process. Sigh. 1 year 346 days to go.


BridgingTheGap's picture

What the heck is wrong with kids nowadays?! I can't imagine showing that kind of ingratitude towards any of my family. Unless SD brings it up, don't bother planning anything else for her.

Last Nerve's picture

Until BF and MIL stop cowtowing to SD, it won't stop. Right now the issue at hand is her birthday, then it'll be 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas - you name it. Until they open their eyes to SD narcissistic behaviour, and stop putting up with it, SD won't stop.

It's quite obvious that spending time with her father and his family means nothing to SD. It's seems that BF and MIL are willing to take whatever measley scrap of acknowledgement that SD is willing to throw their way. Have they not heard of "reverse psychology"? Maybe they should give it a try - what would they have to lose at this point, really?