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Need to stop being surprised by stuff like this

brutallyhonest's picture

I posted a while ago about the year delayed cross country 9th grade graduation trip that MIL wanted to take SD15 on. Many problem with this trip: Just to recap, it was supposed to be for 9th grade graduation, but SD didn't graduate the 9th grade and grades have remained in a state of failure for the 10th grade, MIL "told" BF she was taking SD15 on the trip instead of "asking" what he thought/or if he approved, MIL also took SD15 out of school for the trip which I think is appalling if a kid is struggling in school.

MIL had said she planned to have a serious heart-to-heart about grades and treatment of BF's side of the family with SD15 while on the trip since SD15 would be a captive audience and wouldn't be able to continue to avoid BF's side of the family like she has for the last year.

It is interesting to me that not once on the trip did MIL have SD15 call her dad to say they arrived safely, send a post card, call to say they came home ok. Now before you say well BF could have called- BF does and SD15 won't answer or return his calls. MIL knows this so it would have been nice to have her encourage a little communication with BF, but no nothing. MIL could have called herself and didn't. I mean a call to say you arrived safely seem common curtesy to me. Except for the SD15 enabling factor, I really like MIL and can't figure out why her behavior concerning SD15 is so out of wack with her usual self.

BF didn't even hear anthing after they were back. Asked if MIL had posted anything on facebook (I have a facebook but BF doesn't so his mom will sometimes post for him on my account). After being back for a few days, I finally sent MIL a note asking how the trip had gone because I was hoping this heart-to-heart talk would actually take place and we might get some feedback. Instead I receive a reply about how much fun the trip was and the long list of really cool things they did on their trip. Wow. Cool. Awesome.

Great, so it seems this trip will re-enforce to SD15 that you can fail school, skip the classes you are currently failing, treat people like crap, avoid your father and still get rewarded. No wonder SD15 is such a precious angel to be around. These life lessons are so hard for her.

Guess what BF did while SD15 was on this fabulous trip- try and figure out what SD15 would like for her b-day. It broke my heart. Just 2 weeks away. Can't wait to see what that event brings. What does one get for a child one hardly knows after a year of no contact and learning the relationship is based on lies? What might the average 15 going on 16 girl who hates her father want for a b-day gift? I suggested gift cards and atleast one to a BOOK STORE, but only because I knew my suggestion of a lump of coal would fall on deaf ears.

I'm already dreading SD15's b-day because I'm sure she will treat BF horribly and just show up to collect her gifts. I know this will throw me in the evil stepmother category, but if a kid is behaving badly WHY does that mean they get b-day presents. Doesn't that say behavior and actions don't matter. That you can treat people poorly and still win? I'm sure we will also get the call shortly about a car and car insurance for her. Good thing braces just wiped us out of all extra cash. }:)}:-)


bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
I've developed such an intense repulsion of all things relating to teenage girls, that I should keep my mouth shut.

But-Bf needs to have a real talk here-not just with MIL, but with MIl & SD15...since when can a kid ignore their parents phone calls? SD17 does this when she was in trouble-even tho, you guessed it-dear ol daddy was the one providing her selfish butt with the phone in the first place.

Whoops-there goes the blood pressure...I raised two sons thru their teens-and there were problems to be sure; but they never ever treated their parents like this girl and my SD17. Oh. I don't want to call her my SD anymore....think I'll just refer to her as H's spawn17.