BM looking for a new place to live...
According to her FB post this morning. I wonder if her room mate is kicking her out. She has been quiet on BM's page lately, where she used to comment on everything. BM has been texting SS lately, but he rarely responds. She asked to see him over a month ago, he said "sure" but then never told us that he wanted to see her (which he does tell us when he ACTUALLY wants to see her, other wise his "sure" is to appease her) but she never followed up on it, so it's never happened anyway.
Her post reads "need to find a room to rent in "our town" to be closer to "SS" and be centrally located for job opportunities. Suggestions, prayers and the two cents of anyone with commons sense welcome".
I don't think she is working at all anymore, again. She hasn't mentioned going to work in several weeks. She hasn't asked for a ride to work.. posted pics at work... nothing of the sort. She doesn't have a car. She just begged for a ride to the grocery store on FB.
What she doesn't get is, she could live next door and it wouldn't make an ounce of difference to SS. He doesn't want to see her. He is embarrassed of her and likes that she lives far enough away that she can't force visits on him. (it's about 30 minutes from our house). He is happy. He is at peace. She needs to either get her shit completely together, or just go away.
Oh, and she keeps posting pics of engagements rings too. **eyeroll** She's like a teenager.
- BSgoinon's blog
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Why doesn't she just marry
Why doesn't she just marry meth man and move in with him? Oh right, I have a feeling that relationship is for services/goods exchanged only.
LOL, yeah.. pretty sure
LOL, yeah.. pretty sure having a wifey at home will put a damper on his "dating" life. Also, he lives with his Dad, and his Dad HATES BM. She's not allowed to live there.