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Not Happenin' BM.

BSgoinon's picture

BM hasn't called SS since 3/10. And that call was 2 minutes long to cancel her visitation because she didn't want to tell DH where she was taking SS. She hasn't text him since 3/14. She hasn't seen him since 3/20 and that was for 1 hour. DH and I have not heard a peep from her since then. It's been nice. }:) She has been posting crap about her dogs all over FB. She got an old friend of hers to pay to get one of her dogs out of the pound. She found her other dog (also at the pound, but was just taken there yesterday. She was thanking some woman on FB "the nice lady" for helping her get that dog out. I don't know how she gets people to feel so sorry for her.

Then, last night she emails DH
BM-my phone isn't working won't keep a charge, please tell SS. (as if THAT is why she hasn't called or text him. Her phone has been out of commish for 1 day) What is he up to tomorrow?
DH- He has friends over
BM- What about any time tomorrow. Maybe I can stop by your house to say hi to him, I won't go in your house
DH- No, that's not ok. Also, tomorrow is not "your day" so don't attempt to make plans to see him. You had yesterday and today to do so, you are emailing me at 9 PM asking to see him on a day that isn't even yours?
BM- Ok, have a good night.

I'm so proud of DH lately Smile

And BM, well, she is a piece of shit.


Tuff Noogies's picture

we need a PSA to Save the Houseplants. showing pictures of leaves shriveling, tips turning black, dirt turning to dust or rock.

BSgoinon's picture

I don't think she ever had an intentions of sending them to a rescue. She is a selfish woman. She will live in her car with them. Or find someone stupid enough to feel sorry for her and stay with them with her animals.

WalkOnBy's picture

Well, look at the bright side. She hasn't texted SS and she hasn't texted YOU.


BSgoinon's picture

Oh so so so many bright sides to this post. Even if she did text me, she would get crickets in return. Eff that. As long as SS is good, I am good. And he is GOOD. Kid unloaded and re-loaded the dishwasher AND picked up dog poop yesterday WITHOUT BEING TOLD TO!!! Jackpot!