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SS has been calling me mom...

BSgoinon's picture

We were sitting around the dinner table last week, SS went to tell me something and "Mom..." slipped out. He stopped what he was saying, laughed and then just kept on with his sentence. From that point on, he called me mom several times. It is intentional. He has had a nickname for me since he was 1, it's not anything like "MOM", it is more like a rendition of my first name, but no one would ever know that unless you knew SS when he was learning to talk. It's just how my name came out back then and it stuck. Doesn't sound ANYTHING like my name. We get strange looks very often from people that don't know us. He has never called me by my ACTUAL first name, nor has he ever called me mom.

BM didn't call him for New Years. SS had a baseball tournament this weekend. We had to stay in a hotel. We were just gone overnight Saturday to Sunday. BM was made aware of it a few weeks back, but she doesn't care. She called SS's cell phone yesterday morning at 10:30, SS was warming up for his game, he didn't see her call. She left a message that said "just calling to see what you are up to today call me when you can". He had a break between games from 12:30-3. We went and grabbed some lunch and walked around a nearby store. He had plenty of time to call her back, and I know he saw her missed call, he had his phone in front of his face while we were eating. He didn't call her back. Then, we were driving home last night around 630, SS was in the front seat, I was driving. He doesn't know that I noticed this happening. His phone rang, but it was on silent. He saw it, saw "mom" on the screen and audibly grunted "ugh", and hit ignore. She left a message "Hi SS, it's Moooommmm. Tomorrow is Monday, I want to see you. Call me back. I am going to call your dad or BSGoinon too to see what your plans are". When we got home about an hour later SS text her and said "we are in the car, I'll talk to you later". We weren't in the car anymore. He never called her back. BM never called DH or me to "see what his plans are". And SS had a friend stay the night last night. So I doubt he will be jumping on any plans that she has to see him today. This particular friend isn't allowed to go anywhere with BM. His parents don't trust her. (most of his friends aren't allowed to go with his mom, they have all seen her behavior over the past year).

I am not going to force him to take her calls. I won't tell him to call her back. She is making no effort. He is old enough to answer his phone if he wants to, or to return calls. And she makes no effort to coordinate with DH or I to see him. Not my problem.


hereiam's picture

At least he has you and you are the kind of mom he wants, so the calling you "Mom" doesn't surprise me a bit.

I know it hurts him, though, that she cannot and will not, be the mom that he wants her to be.

BSgoinon's picture

I'm sure it does hurt him. And that makes me even more angry with her. This is entirely HER fault. It's not like something major happened in her life that caused her to spiral like this.

WTF...REALLY's picture

You're doing the job of being a mom. Being a mom is more than just biology. If you're comfortable with that, I would let him call you mom. The kid deserves to have a mom. Smile

BSgoinon's picture

I am good with it. He can call me whatever he is comfortable with, so long as it isn't profane Wink

My oldest daughter (she is 14) is really close with SS, they talk about a lot of this stuff. She told me last night that she had a conversation with him last week about everything that has been going on and basically told him that it's ok to love me like a mom, because I love him like my son. She also told me how sad she thinks it is that BM won't change for SS. Her words "he's such a good kid, it's not that hard to be his mom, I don't get why she can't do it". So, I am not sure if SS and my daughter have had conversations about that... but it's pretty sad when MY kids see it. SS and my girls have grown up as siblings, they fight like brother and sister, they love like brother and sister. What sister says that stuff about her little brother? That is how good this kid is. He's just a little gem. Her loss is our gain.

stepinafrica's picture

I think it is sweet of him to call you mum. But if you suspect it will cause problems it is better not to. Keep up the good relationship though!

TwoOfUs's picture

My sister has a surprise, full-time skid like this. Surprise as in...child services showed up at their door with news of this kid when he was four. Youthful relationship when her husband was 18. My sister had just had her first baby and her husband was deployed to Iraq. And there's this kid in foster care whose mom has been arrested for driving under the influence of meth with three kids by three different guys in the car.

Anyway. That's a lot to get dumped on you at 21, and my sister really struggled with it for a while. Especially since he barely talked, didn't know how to count or know his ABCs...wouldn't go to the bathroom by himself.

But my sister fought for custody even though they were really dad was an attorney, so she asked his former friends and colleagues to help them out. Her husband came back and got a good job, my sister finished her nursing degree and got a good job...another baby happened in there. My step-nephew just turned 10 and he's such a good kid and great big brother. Does really well in school...what seemed like developmental problems were really just neglect. He calls my sister "Mom" sometimes and by her first name other times...never calls my mom anything but grandma. I really can't imagine our family without him...and even though, at the beginning, my sister felt like her "first" of having a baby was unfairly taken away from her...I know that now she sees him as a real bonus.