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DANGER! Language ahead!

Bubbly1's picture

Today has been the day from HELL! I have had numerous things go bad or wrong. But the absolute WORST, My kids Bd has gotten married! I'm SO FUCKING PISSED OFF! He has abandoned his kids, not spoken to or seen them in three years. NEVER paid a dime in support. Yet, he can afford a FUCKING wedding!!! WHAT THE FUCK??????
Please don't take my anger to mean I have any feelings (other than hatred) for the man who donated the sperm for my children to be conceived. I am angry at the fact that even tho he has had my number for three years, known my address for three years, has not ONCE sent my kids a fucking xmas or bday card or gift! Not once! Not once has he called to say merry xmas or Happy bday. Not Once! But, he can post all over facebook how his wedding this, his wedding that. Post photos. For my daughter to find and become hysterical over! That fucking sack of shit loser! I hope he gets a raging case of crabs and his hands fall off so he can't scratch!!


imjustthemaid's picture

I know how you feel. My daughters father moved 600 miles away, he does not pay child support, he comes to visit maybe every two years because he can't afford it and he just had another baby and got remarried in September. Luckily for me though, she is such a well adjusted kid that she thought nothing of it and is happy she has a baby brother.

Bubbly1's picture

We were never married. So when I had the police escort him off my property there was no cs or divorce. Nor is there visitation set up. He has made NO attempt to get any either! *I* have tried. Fdh and I drove them to florida the last time he saw them three years ago. We paid for everything for the eight hour drive, plus, a place for fdh and I to stay while he had the kids for two days. With no "thanks" to be heard for our efforts. He's never even bothered to ask for another visit!

So unfortunately there are no charges to file. Except abandonment, and adoption papers for fdh to adopt them. Which we are talking about.

mlmt1128's picture

I'm sorry. SS's mother is just like that. Just moved into a house with yet another new bf. But can't afford a penny of support in over two years, and barely has time for a kid she lives down the street from. But as dh says, he'd be best off if she never came around.

Bubbly1's picture

That sucks. She lives that close and can't make time for her own son?! That's just shitty!

Doesnteatcrow's picture

I would so post on his fb as her with her permission of course, asking if her new stepmom knows she exists? And if she would like to know her address and birthday so maybe she could send a card? That way it would totally call him out while alerting her, her family and her friends what an idiot he is! Who knows if she really knows the situation...

Disneyfan's picture

How can his wife stand to be around him?? What makes her think he won't walk away from any kids he has with her?

A who can turn his back on his kids is a huge turn off to me.

thefunmommy's picture

I was told that as long as you don't live with the kids' dad, and as long as he's on the birth certificate, you can get CS, whether you were married or not. That's how it is here anyway.

oneoffour's picture

Ah, nothing like knee-jerk weddings to a woman your kids don't know from a stick to make that 'stepmonster' bond grow.

My ex (once he found out I was remarrying and moving to America) dumped his fiancee of 3 years and started dating this other broad who he moved into his house (my sons were NOT impressed and ignored her and her kids) and married her 7 mths later. Older Daughter had a complete meltdown at the wedding (cried hysterically) and she still cannot understand why she did it.

My kids deal with their SM in small doses. But if their father ever questions me as to why they behave like this... if I have had enough to drink I may just tell him.

bi's picture

my ex is supposedly getting married too, but for some reason unknown to me, it's supposed to be a big secret from me. why he thinks i care is beyond me.(maybe because he cares so much about what i do. he saw my friend a while back and when she told him i'm getting married, she said he was visibly pissed off about it and called my fdh, the man who has been raising HIS daughter for 7 years, a "loser") he hasnt' had anything to do with bd16 since she was 8, and even then it was sporadic and always boiled down to him coming around because he wanted me to know he had a gf. again, i don't know why he expects me to care. i don't. this isn't the first time he's supposedly been engaged. (there will never be a wedding because he never has a job. a job would mean paying cs. he probably couldn't even scrape up enough $ to go to the courthouse, another place he has no desire to be, especially since there's a warrant out for his arrest for not paying cs).

anyway, this is how i see it. he abandoned my daughter. i can't even say abandoned because he was never actually around. he willingly walked away and never looked back. it was a shitty, low life thing to do. it's also the best (and only) thing he has ever done for her. if he had chosen to be a part of her life, he would have just damaged her because he's a train wreck from hell. so i'm ok with it. now that she's almost grown, he tries to be her friend when she's visiting his mother. he has hinted around that he would like to get her high. apparently he forgets who raised her. anyway, i don't care if he gets married. let him be someone else's problem, as long as he's not mine or bd's. he'll just ruin anything he gets anyway. he always does. and really, what kind of women are men like this going to get? you know their marriages won't be happy. let them create a whole new way to bring problems and grief to themselves, they deserve it. they lost the only good things they ever had when they lost us and our kids. sit back and enjoy the show. it won't last.

Bubbly1's picture

Well, for better or worse, I just sent a fb message to the new step-momma. Letting her know she IS a sm now. I tried to do it thru my fb. But after reading the message I sent he blocked me off his fb page. So dd10 sent the little wifey a long message. Hehe. She wanted to last night but I said no. So this a.m after seeing mine was blocked she told me to use hers. GO dd! She's just as mad as I am! Sent her my # so she can call and let the kids tell her what a winner their dad really is.

Bubbly1's picture

I did. Several times. State of South Carolina can't locate him. Even tho I've told them his addresses, ssn, dob, where he works. Everything but the color of his poo the day before! He lives w/Mommy. So the letters come back that he doesn't live there. So he is listed as address unknown. In a previous post I had a court date he was supposedly not notified of so I was there but he was not.

I'm done trying to MAKE him be a father, or even care enough about his kids to call for their bday. They have a man in fdh who IS their father. They have a man to care for them when their sick, provides what they need, college educated FATHER, so why bother with a loser high school drop out sperm donor?? I'm headed to family court today to file the necessary papers to have the loser eradicated from our lives permanently.

Bubbly1's picture

No. He did via text message. Same bull, he wants the kids "I won't let him have them". He wants me to hand over three kids to a drug addicted man who used to beat the crap outta me......I don't think so.

I've gone out of my way to give him visitation (drove them 8 hours to his house) and he won't call. Won't send support, won't do anything for my kids. So I've washed my hands of him. The KIDS don't even want anything to do with him, so I won't force it or him on them.