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and it goes on and on on and on Both BM's.....

buterfly_2011's picture

BM #2 of course didn't get us SS3 this weekend. So once again I was right. She agreed to all the terms in the modification but at first chance she broke it before it is all signed and ready to go. This excuse like all others... well you didn't call so we made plans. ONCE again we DON'T have to call. It's what it is. First and third weekend bitch. What don't you get? So again to our lawyer to figure out something else to put in the papers so we are covered when she NO SHOWS at the meeting spot. So he put in there we will wait for 20 minutes if she does not show we will drive THE ENTIRE way BUT she will then have to provide us with $50 for our gas and time. We shall see if she agree's with this. Because of her sheer lack of drive and complete laziness I see many fridays going 250 miles to get SS3 because she has had SO many babies by other men it will just be easier for her to do this to us than put FIVE kids in her car.
Now onto BM #1. She has been sending "nice" texts to DH. She is tired of crying. She is tired of her kids being worried (they wouldn't be worried if she didnt share ADULT things with them) she is tired of the sleepless nights of not knowing what is going to happen and their home being disruptive. She just wants to talk to him. She won't freak out or yell she just wants to talk...... yea what ever. In the mean time we are getting emails from our attorney where she is 100% lying her ass off on everything. Basically saying DH doesn't call or talk to his kids. That he hasn't done anything for the past few months in regards to having contact with them. Then she went on to say SS11 had a game this past weekend and we didn't even come DOES SHE FORGET THEY ARE 6 HOURS AWAY? We actually talked to SS11 and he knew we would not be there as we are planning a trip on the 20th to see him play. Then she went on and on and on about his finances (broken record there)She said he has not tried to contact his daughter at all. Um we have atleast a month and a half of texts where he has talked to her up to three times a week. Where is she getting her damn info from? Granted the texts are all mean and nasty that SD is sending. And I do mean down right nasty.
Then BM is texting DH being all nicey nicey? WTF is this shit? What game is she playing? We aren't dropping anything. This shit is going through. Put your seatbelt on you crazy ass @unt! UGH
So I get home today and DH has been talking to her on the phone about SD. He offered to drive to their home and visit a pastor with his daughter to try to mend fences. I see this going nowhere. BM is all over it. Yes come down. I have been trying to tell her to stop the texts etc. But she just won't listen. She just has so much anger towards him. Um well that's what happens when BM's tell lie after lie after lie and show them papers from the court trying to tell her that we are trying to take all their money from them because we don't want to support them. OMG....... and she wonders why her daughter has anger? This girls is already WHACK why would you as a mother share court things with you 17 year old daughter? Because she is a nuttjob. Crazy.
I need to give them nicknames............


Kilgore SMom's picture

I agree with that idea too! If Bm is making hard. Let her do the driving time also. You pick up when getting ss in BM town and BM picks up when ss is to return home in your town. I wonder if the text DH received from sd are really from sd and not Bm? Texting needs to be stopped and only phone conversation should be acceptable for DH and SD. That way he knows its not BM doing the talking. Just a thought.

buterfly_2011's picture

It's SD alright........... she calls if he doesn't reply. So we know it's her. Sadly it is his daughter.