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background check on BM #2 Boyfriend revealed a few things....

buterfly_2011's picture

So we discovered SS3 has BF middle name. So she was seeing him while prego. My DH had no idea. When she told him her idea for a middle name he just went with it. Not realizing she was seeing her current husband at the time... NOW the other three things.....

He has a disturbance charge as well as 2 Driving while under the influence charges. Found all of that out without paying the $40. But tomorrow we are going in to pay the $40 to get the full background check. There has to be more! I'm not trying to be judgemental here but I know the feeling in my gut. And I know something is not right with this guy......


buterfly_2011's picture

He had one done when SS3 was born. He and BM had been apart for 4 months when she called and told him she was prego... he is the 3rd guy she had done that too. She just keeps having these babies then leaving the guys expecting to not have to let them see the kids. Now she is with her husband and they are trying to scoot out the other fathers... so her current DH will be the main "dad" in all the kids lives. It's insane...

Annanymous's picture

Ew. I never have understood dating while pregnant (for the man or woman). Obviously it happens, but seems very Maury to me.
Have to wonder if the SS is really the Dad's kid at that point.

Pinki3663's picture

I see what you mean by the middle name thing but my SO shares his first name with his SS but certainly wasn't seeing BM and SS could not possibly be his.

With the other stuff like the charges and what not I can understand that it gives you a little foresight into the BF which is very helpful but based on the results can you actually do anything? legally can you, I could see if he were a pedophile that would be a no brainer but what about lesser charges such as the ones you found.

buterfly_2011's picture

I am trying to just keep a journal of all the things that we see. All the things that go on concerning SS3. So it may be addressed in mediation. When we have her mother supporting us because she feels the kids are not safe with this guy I am hoping somebody listens to us...

buterfly_2011's picture

I am a google maniac....... my DH isn't a very good documenter... but I am trying. I have a calendar that I write on every single time there is a phone call. He saves all texts and emails. I watch their facebooks like a hawk... they haven't blocked me yet... I only watch to see if they post anything negative about DH.