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buterfly_2011's picture

We got SD18 graduation announcement today. No ticket to watch her graduate. I guess when you don't give up your entire paycheck to your NOT WORKING ex wife then this is what you get. Stupid Bitch. They even have the balls to complain on facebook if I spend a dime on MY KIDS................. we are NOT Married. I do not owe her kids a dime. AND on top of it I pay for everything when they do come here. I am also the one who picks up ALL the slack for their extra medical etc.

I know he is going to be devastated by this. They are going to break this man. IT is very sad. Very sad it's over money.


PeanutandSons's picture

Are you sure he needs a ticket? Or that he isn't supposed to buy his own ticket?

RedWingsFan's picture

I remember when I graduated, my parents were given a ticket to attend and so was my brother. When we were filling out all of our pre-graduation stuff, we had to list only our immediate family members and those were the only ones that got free tickets to attend. If I wanted to invite anyone else I had to buy those tickets and there was a minimum I think of 5 per family total.

I'm sorry if SD18 actually didn't send her dad a ticket. He could always send her a text or email (or call her) and say that he received the announcement but wanted to know how he'd get into the ceremony without a ticket? Or does he have to purchase one himself?

RedWingsFan's picture

^^^THIS. If she deliberately excluded him from the ceremony, no gift is required. If he finds out for sure that this is the case, he should send her a nice card congratulating her on graduating and be done.

Willow2010's picture

It's on her announcement.... not penciled in but actually in the announcement itself.
Still call the school. There was a poster here a long time ago that the DH thought he was not invited or something like that and he actually was. The skid was devastated that his dad did not come to his graduation.

Cover all bases first. That means DH calling his kid and asking where his ticket is? If skid blows him off then too bad for her.

PeanutandSons's picture

Yeah, I would cover all bases. May e they didn't hand out the tickets yet...maybe bm is holding them all until the day of....maybe the school is mailing it seperatrly.....maybe SD made an honest mistake and forgot to include it.

Have dh call/ text and ask her about his ticket.

buterfly_2011's picture

There are no mistakes where this girl is concerned. Or her mother. He has called the school. He has texted them.

kathc's picture

Have him call the school about it. No doubt they've dealt with vindictive bitches not giving their ex a ticket in the past. Never know, they may have a few put aside to give the dad in situations like this.

clydella's picture

That sucks, it does hurt, it happened to my DH when SD graduated a couple of years ago. But she got no graduation present either, he decided if I'm not invited to watch, I'm not opening my wallet. Still I know it hurt DH feelings.

I'm sorry ya'll have to go through this. Hope he doesn't let it get him down to bad.

stepmonster_2011's picture

Damn! Even though my dad was a real POS, he was invited to my HS and College graduations. WTF - talk about burning bridges. How do you come back from that?

whatwasithinkin's picture

lmfao sometimes I think I am the most spiteful person on this board. he can call the school and explain he is the Dad, divorced blah blah blah, they have dealt with this before probably 100 times and was not offered tickets due to a situation with BM (dont blame daughter) and can he have two tickets.

and then Id walk my ass in there with my DH watch graduation, hand her ass an empty card after and be out of there with out so much as a word out of my mouth

amen and god speed, but he would see her graduate, period end of discussion

luchay's picture

This happened to OH last year for SD's primary school graduation (ridiculous)

Each family only got 2 tickets and BM took both of them (have i mentioned i hate that bitch) OH called the school and explained the situation and while they were unable to find 2 extra seats (venue had very limited seating and 200+ kids graduating) they did find room for him.

Get your DH to contact the school direct and do what needs for you both to be there. Also agree on the no gift though - what a shitty thing for this young woman to do.

Lalena75's picture

I'm with whatwasithinkin, that's a good idea. shows he care enough to make his own effort to be there and gives her exactly what she deserves.

Elizabeth's picture

I am so sorry this kid wants to punish her father that way. SD20 didn't leave DH out of her graduation, but she did leave me and our two BDs (her half sisters out). Tickets were not required and kids were not limited in who they could invite, but she just sent the announcement/invite to him only. I said that meant BDs and I were not invited, he disagreed, so I told him to call her and sure enough, she verified that she intentionally did not invite us and she only wanted HIM there, but oh, she guessed it was OK if he wanted to bring the two BDs along. He went, but BDs and I did not. No need to be where I am not wanted to watch someone I don't like.

buterfly_2011's picture

We called the school. They were so nice. BM got seven tickets. They told him if she does not provide him with one to please call them at the end of the month to see if they had extra or if other families have extra. The announcement was only addressed to DH. I hope he gets to go. I'm sick of him always getting shit on.