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I feel like I'm being tested.....

buterfly_2011's picture

My DH is about to enter into a zone that is going to be a nightmare for us for a few months. Not that it hasn't been for the past two years but now that he has turned all his paperwork into his lawyer I fear BOTH BM's are going to come uncorked. We have one who just ignores his lawyer but disappears. Last time he had to retain him BM #2 disappeared for 6 months. BM #1 has always ruled the roost. And because he has been saying no recently she has already pulled out the dirty cards and the no you can't talk to your kids crap. Among SEVERAL text messages stating her personal reasons as to why he can't have contact with the kids. OF course it all stems from $$$$$ and the fact that we didn't take SD17 on our summer vacation that was ONLY 2 freaken days to a water park. UGH........... regardless of this my DH is so sad. Not being able to talk to his kids is wearing him down. He is very worried what she is telling them. He just keeps saying when will I be able to talk to my kids? When is the next time I will be able to see them? I don't have those answers and his lawyer keeps telling him this is going to get worse before it gets better. Which I know that. All the things that are being thrown out about me being an "unfit" parent or not a good role model or a bitch... and him being called a liar etc. The man is not a liar. I swear he believes if he lies God will strike him where he stands. Her four page text messages of calling him names and pointing fingers is draining his emotional state. Now she is emailing. She told him she will only email or talk on the phone now. She isn't playing HIS games. Seriously? What games? He texts and says "please have the kids call me" and that's games? He is suppose to be able to talk to his kids 3x a week without her dumbass listening.

I guess I am feeling drained. I am feeling like there is all this drama in my life and it all is stemming from him and his BM's. I have nothing in my own life. My ex and I have simmered down. There hasn't been issues with us for 2 years now. No drama. The only time we talk is when there is an activity going on with our son. Other than that no words are ever exchanged. And it is a wonderful. I guess I just am looking at things like every day I sit and stress. EVery time DH's phone goes off I feel sick to my stomach. Every time it rings I feel sick. Every time he calls me at work I feel sick...... I think I need to tell him that what ever they say about me I just don't want to hear it anymore. And unless his attorney thinks it will matter when we go to court I feel better just not knowing. I went through hell with my divorce. The name calling the dragging each other through the mud. The lies. The drama. I spend my 20's in a full on war with my ex. I am NOT wanting to exchange my 30's for all of this all over again. I just do not know what to do.


forsakingallothers's picture

I know exactly how you feel about that sick take on more emotionally than you should...I have to constantly remind myself that I cannot save my DH, I cannot write his emails for him, I cannot be the parent for him and I also have to show him I believe in him by supporting his decisions and letting him take the lead. It seems that many men talked about on this site are passive and this can be really hard to watch. Especially when you see the pain and loss in their eyes and know that the children will be forever impacted by the decisions their parents are making. Get out of the house, go for a walk, give to another outside of your family circle. You will feel better and remember, some day it will end as it is now...that is hard to keep in mind, I know. I still struggle with it every day. Maybe I will spend my lunch break taking my own advice! Smile

Warm thoughts your way!

oneoffour's picture

One thing you can tell him is the longer she withholds contact from him the more the judge will look on her actions as combative. I am sorry. This must be a hard time for him.

buterfly_2011's picture

I told him that those texts will be a lifesaver in court. She openly texts that she is pist off at him and he can't talk to the kids. Of course she says it's cuz of me and that he lied about our trip to SD17. Personally I feel like SD17 chose to not stay with us all summer. We were NOT obligated to tell her what we were doing or where we were going. It's that simple. DH told the boys not to boast about the trip to her (because he knew she would freak out) but we didn't tell them to lie. We don't answer to SD17. SD17 doesn't get what she wants by acting like a brat. And that was what we tried to teach her this summer. But without proper backing from her other parent that blew up in our face. I love how when the drama occurs at BM's then my DH needs to come 6 hours to figure shit out. But when we have drama with her........ DH is all to blame and BM backs SD17 and her craziness. One time he was trying to express to SD17 what he expected. Respect etc. BM was on the phone with SD17 laughing .... seriously?

There is no end to this crap.