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Major fail as a mom

CaptainD's picture

So my daughter (16 months) fell off the side of our stairs this morning. Fell about 6 feet, landed on carpet. Not hurt just scared...... However I feel just about like the shittiest mother on earth right now.


stepmama2one's picture

The only reason you would be a shitty parent is if you didnt take precautions to make sure it doesnt happen again. Your not a shitty mother, a lot of things happen when you have small children. Mothers make mistakes, you feeling bad and wanting it to not happen again, taking precautions is what makes you a good mother. Just be glad she is fine. Im sure it scared you almost to death!

hereiam's picture

If you were a shitty mother, you wouldn't be thinking twice about it. Things happen in the company of the best mothers. Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm glad she's ok.

StickAFork's picture

You're not shitty. You just have learned a lesson that you won't forget...and, your DD is ok.

How could she fall down the stairs? How can you keep it from happening in the future?

Parenting, just like life, is about learning from our mistakes.

Big hugs.

imjustthemaid's picture

Its ok. My sister has twin boys. When they were infants one fell off the changing table. This was ten years ago. She still talks about it!! He was fine but I am the only one that knows.

Just be happy everything was fine and take it as a lesson learned!

dancingwatermom's picture

I'll never forget the time DD rolled off of her changing table on to the floor still attachted to the pad that strapped her into place. Scared us both silly but I learned never to turn my back for even a moment. It happens to all of us at one time or another. One day I will have to post about the time DD spread Vic Vapor Cream all over herself and her favorite teddy bear and then told me she ate some!

misSTEP's picture

My son once woke up before me, felt a little sick and drank about half a bottle of cough syrup! How he got the "child-proof" cover open is ANYONE's guess!!

Those type of things happen. Nobody is born to be the perfect parent.

z3girl's picture

Don't feel bad! These things happen! I felt so awful the first time my son fell off the bed (or the couch, or the changing table). Luckily for all of these, it was only ever once, and he was always fine. With my second son, he has never fallen (yet). I think we learn when it happens, and we feel so terrible about it, it doesn't happen again.

When I was at story time with my babies at the library, the baby next to me fell and bonked her head really hard on the floor. She cried, and the woman was embarrassed, but it helped me feel a little less bad about any times my son has done that.

Dancingwatermom - my son fell off the changing table strapped in too! I ended up moving the diaper pail from the end near his head to the other end so I won't be those few inches away. My husband came storming in the room when he heard our son crying and yelled at me; I felt bad enough, and I'm human! Our son is a toddler and crazy, but he was fine...scared and not hurt.

ThatGirl's picture

I was ironing and set the iron down on my night stand while folding up the ironing board. My little guy came right up behind me and tried to mimic my ironing and bumped himself in the bare leg with the edge of the still hot iron. I felt absolutely awful!

unsure99's picture

My son fell off our bed, it was real high off the ground. I heard him hit the wall and the side of the bed all the way down, I reached down and jerked him up by his foot, it all happened so fast, scared the crap out of me!! But he was fine, I'm not even sure he even woke up!!

Don't beat yourself up about it. She is ok that is all that maters.

Cheyenne Arizona's picture

"Motherhood is a choice you make everyday to put someone elses happiness and wellbeing ahead of your own. To teach the hard lessons. To do the right thing, even when your not sure what the right thing is....and to forgive yourself over and over again for doing everything wrong."

crystalclear's picture

Don't feel too bad my DD2 just tumbled down my frontsteps and did a face plant. Did I mention they are cement. I just watch her like a hawk now when she's outside Smile