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My turn to be harassed by Fruit Loop

caya506's picture

BF has been ignoring BM's texts for quit awhile now. I guess she figured that since she can't get a rise out of him she's going to try me! I get a message on facebook this weekend from someone I don't know saying 'thanks for going to work everyday so me and (insert BF's name)can f*ck.' Uh-huh, whatever. I didn't send anything back, then a few hours later I get 'you ruined my son's life'. Ok, so now I know it's BM. Wow, nut job, have you got nothing better to do than to create fake profiles and harass people!?


MARLA_823's picture

Oh shit! LMAO! Sorry to laugh, but that's a whole new realm of crazy! Our BM has taken to text/facebook me since my DH decided to not allow her to text him anymore. The way I see it, annoying as it is, it's easier for ME to ignore it than HIM. She'll get bored eventually if you ignore it, but if you don't, please share the juicy details with us!

caya506's picture

Responding would be like a night of drinking and the following hangover, its sounds like a good idea and lots of fun, but the effects that come after it are a really pain in the ass! lol. I will do my best not to reply, but if I do I will be sure to share Blum 3 .

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture


I hope you have blocked "it." Don't let it get to you, it's ONLY major desperation.


caya506's picture

"It" Blum 3

I let it go for a little while, give her enough rope to hang herself.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

One more thing to add...

The other latest trend for these nuts on FB is to "try" to get all of the attention they can. They will say anything.

Quite obvious in my own opinion. }:)

LizGrace65's picture

Document it, maybe even report it to the police - and don't let her know. You'll have it in your pocket if the appropriate time comes. She'll probably have forgotten all about it by then. That'll be fun. }:)