A real threat or just smoke?
DH and I came home yesterday to find an envelope taped to our front door. We opened it to find one sentence. In big letters, it said:
I am going to seriously f*** up you and your whole world.
WTF? I freaked out and called the cops. They came out and took the letter. They filed a report, but don't seem to be taking it seriously. They know we have a very high conflict relationship with BM, but seem to think it is a prank. They said they would check with BM. But my question is, should we freak out? I told DH that we should take extra precautions but he just think its a prank. I'd love someone else's thoughts on this. Would you just write it off?
- CompletelyPuzzled's blog
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Put a camera on your front
Put a camera on your front door and perhaps a few other places on your property. You'll at least know if and when someone is lurking around.
It's time for a camera at
It's time for a camera at your door. We use a Nest cam. They have an outdoor version which works beautifully. We have pulled tape for our neighbors when their car it broken into, as well as recording BM's antics. They're wifi with audio. Definitely with the $200.
I wouldn't let it go...
I wouldn't let it go... Definitely take it seriously and make sure you stay on top of things - get a camera as other people mentioned. Is BM one to call child protective services and stuff? I'd watch for that too
Definitely get cameras put
Definitely get cameras put outside and inside your house. Even if this is just a prank or an empty threat, cameras are good investments just to help you feel at piece. And the next time BM or whoever tries to leave harassing letters you can get her on camera for trespassing.
If you have young kids in the
If you have young kids in the house I would go over what to do when someone is at the door. If there are older kids, tell them that under no circumstances is BM allowed in the house and if she forces her way in tell them to call the police. (If you don't want to single out BM, just say anyone who forces themselves into the house and that no one is allowed in unless you or your husband tell them directly that it is ok, even if it is someone they know).
Anotherstep - you beat me to
Anotherstep - you beat me to it. I know we often recommend this book. Granny, Glad you have read it. I think it should be required reading for all young women.
OP - BM has actually kidnapped SD in the past. Of course you should be concerned about this note. In addition to cameras, I would consider an alarm system and security/storm doors on all entry doors. In your situation, there is no way you can over-react.
Cameras outside and I would
Cameras outside and I would start carrying at all times. When people tell you something believe them.
hummmm while every one is
hummmm while every one is saying camera at the door... I will force DH to do so while running to the nearest shooing range and get some snipping skills.... after that some marshal arts self defense classes......