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Daisymazy2's picture

SD, age 17, contacted DH last week.  She tells him that her graduation from high school has been pushed up to this week.  One could only hope but it is hard to believe anything she says.  We will just have to wait until she forwards him a copy of the diploma.  

Of course, she didn't call to tell him that she was graduating earlier.  She called to tell him that BM isn't paying for her to live on campus at the local college this fall.  The local college is probably about 5 miles from BM's house.  DH takes SD's side.  Why would the witch BM NOT pay for her to stay in the dorms?  SD tells DH that BM doesn't believe that she will make it through the first semester before she is kicked out.  I agree.  DH doesn't.  DH lives in delusion land.  He thinks if everyone needs to have MORE faith in SD because she is trying SO hard. 

I am trying to determine how hard is she trying.  She is on house arrest now for threatening to kick a girls a$$. The girl who said that SD is lying about the so called rape (most everyone except DH and BM believe that she wasn't).  She has been suspened from school more times than I change my socks and underwear.  She has been in 3 group homes. She curses teachers.  She lies and threatens students.  She has stolen BM's credit card for over $20,000.  She lies so much that I never believe anything she says. 

DH is bragging to everyone that SD is going to college.  I thinking to myself, he isn't going to like eating all that crow in a few months when she is kicked out or never goes to college.

SD has been trying to get DH to let her live with us. She told him that BM is going to kick her out of the house.  I have already told him that she wasn't living here.   He tells her that she can't because we do not have enough room.  We live in a 2-bedroom condo and my youngest DS(not dh's) still lives here.  He will never tell her it is because of her behavior.  I will never let her be around my BS.  DH told her again that he would help find her a homeless shelter if BM kicks her out.  Of course, this makes SD angry and it is all MY fault that DH will not let her live here (like that hurts my feelings) I am not so sure if BM kicks her out that he will actually help her find a homeless shelter.  I know, I will be standing my ground and she will not be moving into here.   This was MY house before DH moved in. I will not live in a house were I pay rent to be miserable.   I already told him that he could rent an apartment for him and SD and they could live together while she goes to college.  She could get a part time job and help him with the bills.  DH doesn't like that idea and he doesn't have the money to do that. He doesn't think SD could handle work and school.  I also told him that SD could refuse to leaveBM's house and she could call the cops. Around here, BM will have to follow the eviction process to get her out of the house or SD will have to leave on her own. I doubt BM is trying to kick SD out of the house.  BM would love for her to leave but she wouldn't kick her out.  She has 3 other disfunctional older kids who have done almost the same as SD and she never kicked them out.  I think SD is trying to pull on DH's heartstrings.  



hereiam's picture

The local college is probably about 5 miles from BM's house. 

At this point, I wouldn't waste the money for SD to live in the dorms, either.

tog redux's picture

Seriously, has your DH had a blow to the head, OP? I'd suggest a kid live at home to save money if they were a straight A student, but for your SD, most definitely.

If you want to live at college, pick one further than 5 miles away.

Daisymazy2's picture

wants.  Logic is thrown out the window.  He just thinks that she will not LOOOOVEEE him if he disagrees with her.  

She will have to go to a local school because if she moved even 2 hours away, she will not get a scholarship.  I live in a college town and every other high school senior will get some type of scholarship to attend.

I am almost certain that even if she goes to college, she will only go one semester (if that).  She isn't going to be able to handle it. 

I am sure he would move princess here if I would allow it.  He doesn't want to live with her alone though.  Amazing isn't it.  I work from home so she will not be staying with me.  I am almost sure she would get me fired from my job.  She loves to run her mouth (cursing).  If I was on the phone with a customer and she starte acting a "fool".  I would be fired.  DH tried to dump her on me when he was working 2nd shift.  That didn't happen either.  I told him I wasn't watching her.  

Both of these parents love nothing more than dumping SD on anyone who would take her BBBBBUUUUTTTT they will not be able to discipline her.  

Harry's picture

She will not live with you.  If BM has no control over her do you think it will be any better with dadddddddy ?  The only thing is it will be your credit card she will be using. And Daddddy. Will have to have that long talk with her. 
So unless you want SD and her BFs moving in also  just say NO

She wants her gift early.  .???

Daisymazy2's picture

I agree. She will wreck havoc here too even thougth DH thinks that she will not do it.  It is a little to late to try to change her now.  

I think she may want her gift early from Daddy.  Since we have seperate bank accounts, he is responsible for her gift.  It will be interesting to see what he gives her.  

JRI's picture

You sound like you are being strong about SD not moving in and all I can say is, HANG TOUGH.  We mistakenly let our troubled teen SD move in here, actually she moved back and forth between BM & us several times.  ("Poor SD").  I realize now it was just more of "no consequences" - she never had to come to terms with a parent's boundaries.  It was always chaos, trouble and dysfunction.  Flash forward years later when she was a homeless druggie, DH let her move in again, a nightmare of lying, theft, drug use & "night creeping". ("Poor SD"). We finally got her out but i told DH if he ever lets her do it again, i'll leave him.  Its bad.  Im glad you've got your head straight. Stay strong, good luck.