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MIL has gone beyond belief.... (there will be swearing and lots of it)

DaizyDuke's picture

I hate mother fucking MIL right now. I am so sick to death of her being all bestest buddy with BM1 and GBM, of course while claiming all the time to DH that she "hardly ever talks to them" Whatever.. insert the biggest eye roll here

So yesterday I am perusing Facebook fuckery and SD17 posted a picture of 2 of her sisters (these girls belong to BM1's baby daddy #2)who appear to be with her, at Aunt J's. Hmmm??? Immediately I know something is fishy, because I JUST had lunch with DH and he didn't mention anything about the BM clan invading Aunt J state, and trust me, Aunt J texts DH pretty much daily to bitch and complain about all things SD and BM/GBM clan. When I got home, I said to DH "Hey, so somehow BM1/GBM managed to pull off a trip to Aunt J state???" DH gives me the clueless look and says he has no idea, why am I asking. So I told him what I saw on FB. Again, he said, news to him, Aunt J hadn't said a word about anyone being there etc. So he text Aunt J

DH: "Is BM/GBM clan in your state?"

Aunt J: "Just the two older girls, MIL and FIL brought them with them on their vacation to Ocean City and I drove up and picked them up. They are really nice girls and thought it would be nice to get them away from that GBM/BM hell. SD17 is working tonight, so I'll have them, but....." (something something blah blah, I honestly don't know what was said after that because I was seeing red)

Why the ever loving fuck is MIL taking BM1 kids with her to the beach???? They are no fucking relation to her! Gee MIL, I bet BS5 would have enjoyed going to the beach, but funny I don't remember you mentioning a word about it? And why the ever loving fuck does she INSIST on being bestest buddies with these scumbags who have done NOTHING but cause drama, hate and discontent in DH's life. I mean DH and BM1 were never married, never even dated! She was a fling gone wrong for fucks sake! Does MIL think she's going to get an extra jewel in her crown in heaven for doing this or what?? And it pisses me off that this was done all sneakily by both MIL AND Aunt J... When I say those two call DH about EVERYTHING, I'm not kidding, yet somehow nobody happened to think to mention this fucking plan?

I told DH that I am D.O.N.E with MIL and I don't want BS5 going to her house anymore. (not that he's there much, I think he's been there maybe 3 times in the past year) I mean the woman never came to even one of BS5 baseball games, has never been to karate, a school function, hell she didn't even come to his birthday party last year... but she can take random fucking BM1 kids to the beach with her? Because they are nice and she feels sorry for them?? The next time I run into the crazy guy who I see in the city where I work, who legit thinks he's Jimmy Hendrix (he seriously looks just like him, and the man really thinks he IS him) I'm going to invite him to MILs for Thanksgiving. I mean, he's nice and I feel bad for him, what's wrong with that??

I told DH that I am going to hunt his father (who abandonded him when he was 2) down, the one who MIL claims was soooo horrible to her and I am going to make him my new bestest buddy and see how that bitch likes it. I am so done with her. Adios, bitchachos


DaizyDuke's picture

I'm sure she'd say just what Aunt J. said, "they feel bad for the girls having to live in BM/GBM hell and they are nice girls

I bet I can find a nice homeless man under the bridge a few blocks away and I'll send him to MILs for dinner when she gets back.

BSgoinon's picture

Yup. Sounds like my MIL. Except I think BM and MIL actually have stopped talking to each other as much. Who knows, who cares. They deserve each other.

DaizyDuke's picture

I was just telling someone else.... I don't hate GBM and BM simply because of who they are. If they were decent people, I'm sure we'd all get along and hell I would have no problem with any of this. It's the fact that these people have been horrible to DH, horrible to me, horrible to SD, horrible to EVERYONE and yet MIL chooses to associate with them, chooses to do favors for them, chooses to treat them like some kind of "family" That's what I think is bullshit.

the bullshit I'm posting here is nothing new. I just don't get it. I stalked BM1 facebook page and saw this post from February... "Thank you (MIL). You have always been there for SD17 and I and sisters!!!!!OMG I got that msg loud and clear love you" I mean MIL paid for a storage locker for BM1 last year when she got evicted for the 4000 time, she gave her money to buy gifts for her kids for Christmas, she got all pissed off at DH when he dared file for CS when SD17 lived with us and Lord knows what else I don't know about.... it's just the most ridiculous, steaming pile of horse shit and I'm done with it.

Let them be besties. They all deserve each other. When you lie down with dogs, you're bound to get fleas.

DaizyDuke's picture

Read my above comment, she plays BFF to BM and GBM. DH said that she had GBM stop by the other week for some corn that FIL and she picked, she drives BM1 around if she needs a ride, loans them money, talks to them on the phone all.the.time. No, it's more than just wanting to do for the kids.

If she wants to do nice things for random kids then she should join Big Brother Big Sister, or volunteer at the Salvation Army or take in a foster kid. and to my knowledge she has zero contact with BM2, so I don't understand why she does this with the BM1 clan? That's the thing though, she'll talk smack about them all to DH and I like she doesn't like them, but then turns around and does shit like this... it's just not right.

robin333's picture

I don't get it either. Family is family. Makes me appreciate not having a MIL.

I would be upset as well. I would order those packets about "adopting a starving kid" in an underdeveloped country for 30 dollars a month and have it sent to her address. Maybe around Halloween before your guest visit on thanksgiving.

DaizyDuke's picture

Yes, my mother would NEVER do something like this and treats BS5 wonderfully. My father lives clear across the country and does more for BS5 than MIL ever has and treats him better than MIL ever has.

And I don't mean to imply it's about who's "doing" things" for BS5, because it's not about that at all, it's about being a decent human being and CARING about your grandchild more than you do about random kids of a woman who has done nothing but make your son and DIL's life hell.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

It's about bleeping loyalty! Your MIL disrespects her own son (and adorable grandson) when she pulls crap like this. I hope your DH draws a line in the sand and has a serious talk with his mother.

I'm sick to death of so-called family that can't be trusted to behave with integrity. Divorce happens, partners split and so forth. But it comes down to this: Either MIL prioritizes the best interests of her son and his household, or she needs to be iced out.

Your DH is the key here. What do you think he will do?

DaizyDuke's picture

Meh... DH is a wild card. There is no love lost between he and MIL, MIL drives him batty. Sometimes he tolerates her, sometimes he flips shit on her. Even if DH lit into MIL about this, she would not change a thing, DH has bitched at her MANY times about being buddies with "the clan" and she either lies and claims that she rarely speaks to them, or she tries to defend herself (i.e. Oh, she feels sorry for the kids, oh she just wants to try and help BM be a better person, blah blah) Honestly MIL does what she wants and doesn't seem to care who she bothers or hurts.

This is a classic MIL right here.... when BS5 was little.. maybe 4 months old. She asked me one day if I thought it would be OK for her to take BS5 to see DH's dad, who abandoned MIL and DH when DH was like 2. (she knows where he works, but has zero contact with him and hasn't for 40 years.. so how weird is this request to begin with??) I told her that was something that she needed to ask DH, not me. So she asked DH and DH said no, why would the man even care? Why are you so freaking weird? I don't want you carting my son all over town showing him to random people etc. and guess what?........ MIL did it anyway. I mean WTF? Sometimes I think she does shit just to be an asshole, then sometimes I think she is just fruity in the head. I honestly don't know what her deal is, either way she's NOT RIGHT!