SD19 is G.O.N.E.!!!!!!
...AND didn't take the car that we were offering to give her!!! Of course she didn't leave without her usual drama fest. Friday night, MIL called DH and asked if they could borrow our truck to take SD19 back to University state because she decided not to rent the UHaul because UHaul told her to pound salt when she told them her plan of having FIL drive it 4 hours, unhooking it and then having BF dad haul it another 4 hours. So she decided she would not take the bed (that DH already disassembled grrr.) but that she wanted to take the entertainment stand and TV that was in her old room at our house, so she would need a truck. I told DH she was absolutely NOT taking that entertainment cabinet (It's a really nice one,from Pier One and not cheap!) because that room is our new spare bedroom and my dad is coming in September and I would like to offer them the room if they want and even if they don't want, I want a nice spare bedroom. DH did not argue an ounce, said "Ok, I agree". So I called MIL and told her the TV and cabinet were a no go. So MIL said no need for the truck then, they could just take her stuff in the van. Fine problem solved.
UNTIL.... SD apparently went out with her sisters and BM1 all day on Saturday and bought $300.00 worth of crap that she now had to take 3 states away. SD texted DH at 11:30 Saturday night asking if they could go back to the plan of using the truck because she got more stuff. DH was pissed and was like why the fuck did she go out and buy all this crap and THEN expect everyone to scramble around to accommodate her at 11:30 at night no less, and seriously I'm sure it was nothing she couldn't have gotten in University state! So he ignored her... didn't respond. So SD must have gone to MIL and whined that DH didn't respond so MIL got her brother to lend them his truck.
So they showed up last night to pick up the rest of her crap that was at our house. DH did not want to be there when SD came, he is thoroughly disgusted with her. He took notice to the fact that the minute she got her drivers license and he let her drive our extra car, that he really never heard from her again over the next 2 months expect for the one day that she busted the back latch thing on the car and needed him to fix it and then when it needed an oil change and something else fixed. Of course that was the day that she told him it "sucked because BS7 would probably get everything handed to him" like this bitch has ever wanted for ANYTHING???!! And here DH was offering to give her a car, but she couldn't be bothered to get insurance in University state... claimed she was working all the time and too "busy" on her days off to call. Whatever. It's because she wanted someone to do it for her or just put her on their insurance. Oh well, not going to happen, so off she went with no free car. DH also took note of the fact that while he has provided EVERYTHING for this girl and BM1 has done NOTHING! never paid a penny in CS, never been to a school function, never given SD a ride anywhere.. I mean NOTHING...Every chance SD got while she was home this 3 months, she was flitting off to BM's. So for whatever reason; that remains a mystery to me, this crack whore who does NOTHING is the best thing since sliced bread and up on a pedestal with GBM who was also the biggest POS in town and DH is just the guy who's there to shell out money for whatever SD wants or needs. Because if she doesn't want something from DH then she has no use for him and I did not have to point any of this out to DH, this was all him, he's finally got her number.
DH said he will continue to send her $150.00 a month until she turns 21 and then he is done with her and he really hopes that she never comes back to our state. I hope the same.
- DaizyDuke's blog
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WTH - DH ran away when his
WTH - DH ran away when his daughter came to get her shit and left you to deal with it.... I would've poked his eyes out I swear..... at least you know she's gone now lol....
Next time you hear from her ...
SD: Hey Dadddyyyyy I'm pregnant, you are going to be a Grandad
DH: Hey Daizy congrats you are a Granma, now hand over your paycheck }:) }:)
In your shoes I would've sold that additional car ASAP, in case SD change her mind in a years time
then my answer would be, sorry girl you had first dips, you did not want it, we sold it and went t Aruba with the cash/gave BS the cash
DH said he is selling the
DH said he is selling the car. so we shall see. DH did end up being there when SD got there only because they never showed up until 8:30 pm and he'd run out of people to visit and was tired of running around all day to avoid her (because we had no idea when they were coming) She was only at our house maybe a total of 15 minutes. Never said hi or goodbye to me or BS7.. not that I really care.. just her usual rude self.
..... and hahah!!! I love your idea of selling car and telling her we gave BS7 the money!!!!! }:)
I know! He says he's done.
I know! He says he's done. The $150.00 is technically CS since we live in the sucky state of NY and he has to pay until 21 and of course he's paying a lot less than if BM was still legal guardian.. but Aunt J is SD legal guardian still so it's all good. Because we all know SD is just blowing whatever money he sends her, but whatever, it's almost over!
He said from now on both skids are only getting $100 bucks for Christmas and $50 bucks for birthday and that's it. No extras. Only time will tell if he sticks to this.
Happy days are here again!!!!
Happy days are here again!!!!
I would have been doing the
I would have been doing the happy dance as soon as she packed up her last box!