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SD19 weekend drama

DaizyDuke's picture

And here we go! Around 2 weeks before SD leaves to go back to University state and let the typical drama begin!

I was coming back to the house yesterday morning after doing barn chores. DH was putting stuff in car like he was going somewhere, so of course I asked where he was going. He said he was going to help his friend pick rocks out of the food plot he is planting (it's a hunting thing Wink ) I was like OK, and went about my business. Then DH unleashed WHY he was going to do this.

Apparently SD19 volunteered to do this over a week ago and they were going to pay her 10$ an hour to do it, but instead she text DH in the morning and asked him how mad he would be if she backed out and went to see her great grandma instead. DH told her that was rude, that she made a commitment and shouldn't just back out because something better comes along. Then she started with her typical SD manipulate and lie crap and DH flipped his shit.

SD19: well great gram is 85, this might be the last time I get to see her
DH: You've had 3 months to see her, go on another one of your days off when you don't have a prior commitment
SD19: well she works 5 days a week so it's hard to do that
DH: So you're telling me she's 85 and acting like she's not going to make it so you have to go see her TODAY, but now you're telling me she works 5 days a week??
DH: *ring ring* (he calls SD19 and of course no answer)
DH: answer your f*cking phone
DH: *ring ring*
This time SD answers and DH lit into her, and she gave him more lies and excuses, so DH told her to leave the keys in the car of ours that she has been driving and that he was coming to get it and that she is NOT taking it back to university state and she can figure out a car on her own. She hung up on him and then the texting started again

SD: I'm 19 years old, I shouldn't have to be yelled at. I never should have come back here to this hole of depression and despair. I don't want your stupid car, you can keep it, I'll figure it out and do my own thing. I just found out about the job a week ago that really wasn't much notice.

DH ignored her after this. He read all the texts to me, I told DH she needs some new material, that this rerun has gotten really old. Same old crap... I'm so depressed, I hate it here, oh woe is me, blah blah. We got a kick out of the "I just found out about the job a week ago" so that wasn't enough notice, but you can up and decide the morning of your job that you have other plans?? lmao.

I asked DH last night if he talked to her at all after all the idiotic texts she was sending him and he said no. He said he'd honestly be happy for her to leave and never speak to her again. He said that's why he blew her off on Father's Day when she wanted to take him to dinner because he didn't want to have to sit and listen to her and he sure as shit didn't want to see SS18. Not sure what that meant.. if SD was trying to get SS to go to dinner too?? Because DH told me last week that SS18 never even text him, nothing, on Father's Day. Whatever, I didn't ask because I don't care.

For those of you who might be thinking DH was awful for saying he could care less about seeing her again, I'm guessing you're rather new and haven't been around here long enough to know the long, sordid, stupid story of SD and all her antics.

We'll see if DH follows through on the no car?? He did NOT go and pick it up at MILs.. probably because he's worried if he does SD will end up back at our house needing rides to work and crap because it's not like BM will do jack. Guarantee there will be more drama before she leaves. It's a given!!


ChiefGrownup's picture

I would have died of shame if my dad had to show up for a job I had committed to. I mean actually fallen to the floor and have my heart shrivel up and stop beating.

What a dreadful person. Hope you both get shot of her soon.

DaizyDuke's picture

Well the other problem is that DH got her the job (the " real" job) that she has to get back and forth to for the next couple of weeks. He is good friends with the owner of the store, so he really doesn't want her just not showing up or quitting because of course that too, makes DH look bad.

As far as her finding her own way back to school? DH should stick to his guns and keep the car, she does not deserve to be handed a car.. she's a jerk and should be treated like one.