When DH says stupid crap
DH and I were talking last night about moving BS8 room that is currently upstairs, down to SD20 old room and making BS8 old room into my work out room, closet, storage.. whatever room since it is right across the hall from our bedroom. Then comes the stupid ass comment out of his mouth.... "and if SD wants to come home and stay for a couple of days or something, she'll just have to sleep in the basement."
No. She'll just have to sleep at a different address because she's NOT staying at my house... ugh. Why do these men conveniently "forget?? :?
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They never give up hope. .
They never give up hope. . .
How frustrating.
What did you say?
Nothing. No point in
Nothing. No point in starting an argument over something that hasn't happened yet.
This, so much!! There will be
This, so much!!
There will be plenty of time to have an argument if and when SD ever does want to come back.
Oh yesssss! DH pulled this
Oh yesssss! DH pulled this recently since SD17 ranaway to live with BF..I moved BD18 into her room since she's in the basement and its a lot easier for her to be upstairs..bathroom/heat/etc.. DH said "Well what if SD comes back..I don't trust her to stay in the basement.." I said she can walk out the front door just as easy as the can the basement door...duh she already did it!! Geesssh
How long does he think your
How long does he think your house is going to be SD's home? She has not lived there in quite awhile.
^^^This. Your home IS NOT her
Your home IS NOT her home. Sheesh.
Lol when SD moved out to live
Lol when SD moved out to live with grand hag her senior year I packed up her stuff and gave the furniture to our friends daughter (sans mattress since it was all stained).
DH made the comment "what happens when SD comes to visit?" My response was that she probably would not be coming to spend the night ever again, but if she did then she could sleep on the couch like other GUESTS have done in the past.
You have to get them in the mindset that their grown child who no longer lives there is now a guest, and does not rate getting their own sanctuary should they ever come to visit.
Girl you know my story and DH
Girl you know my story and DH STILL has hopes sometimes and says stupid stuff. I'm like what part of "I don't like your kids and don't ever want to see them EVER" did he not understand?
:? }:) 
My DH never says anything
My DH never says anything about ASS coming for a visit.
He knows damn well I have no desire to see that kid ever again.
I am so thankful my DH
I am so thankful my DH doesn't think like this. It's one of the few consolations of being married to a non parenting, conflict avoiding ostrich.
Well look at it this way, can
Well look at it this way, can you imagine having to accept the fact your child is a crappy human being. I think that is why a lot of these parents have their love blinders on. Imagine being Charles Mansons step mom... but honey he might get out on parol and want to stay over night... what do you mean I have to hide all the good knives.
I don't understand people who
I don't understand people who can't/don't/won't see their kids for who they are!
Why is that so hard?
When my daughter was in her idiot/bitch/I am outta here phase, I saw a bratty young adult looking for a power struggle no one was willing to give her.
I didn't sugar coat anything. I told my DH what a disappointment she was, and how it must have been my turn to have the asshole kid.
A few months and some tough love later, she came to her senses and all was right with the world.
But when she was a crappy human being? I called it like I saw it.
I think it’s because they
I think it’s because they think that their kid will think they don’t love them.
It is possible to not Like your kid but still Love them.
I told my boys many times during those teen years that I didn’t like them very much but they knew for sure that they were loved.
People today don’t seem to understand that you can call their behaviour stupid without calling them stupid.