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Very Quiet Weekend

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I have been enjoying a very quiet weekend. My husband and stepson went on a trip with the Boyscouts. It is just me and the girls(my dog and two cats)!

The bathrooms have stayed clean, I didn't have to cook and I rented a movie last night that I wanted to rent. Ahhh, the relaxation!

They are coming home this evening and I will have to jump back into reality! Oh well, it was nice while it lasted :-).

My week is going to be very hectic. Stepson starts summer band and we have a bunch of doctor and dentist appointments to get out of the way.

I hope everybody had a nice weekend!



Sweetie's picture

Hi Dawn,
Sounds like you enjoyed your time alone! Quiet times are often nice....I was just noticing that when you wrote about your dogs and cats that they were all girls and my dogs are all boys, rather odd...
Hope your week starts out well with SS's summer band and appointments.
Take care,

happy mom's picture

My only quiet time is when my daughter is asleep at night or napping. She's with me all the time and needs attention, she the only child at home (except when SS is visiting). I like to rent movies and just sit in front of the tv, that is my relaxation. Don't care for romantic movies, I like adventure, suspense, horror or comedy. Daughter has summer fun now, she likes to be picked up early so she can be w/me. I only take my daughter to hula classes on Saturdays so it's not hectic for me. What movies do you rent?

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I like pretty much everything but horror or very violent movies. I, however, do like romantic comedies. Sat. I rented the Family Stone. It wasn't too bad.
We want to go see X-Men 3 but we just haven't found the time yet.


happy mom's picture

I wanted to watch that xmen movie too, can't go w/my daughter w/me all the time, she'll be scared. I'm waiting for it to go on dvd. I don't know why I like horror I guess I like the suspense part of it and getting scared once in a while, more fun when you watch it w/other people so you can scare each other and spill the popcorn all over the place... Sometimes it's so scary we end up laughing. I'm a movie fanatic. My husband is the opposite, he hates going to the movies. Romatic comedies are okay but not the serious romantic movies, it makes me cry.

Nise's picture

How old is your daughter? We took the girls (6 and 5) to see it! The 6 year old LOVED it the 5 year old fell asleep…we went to the drive in…there is no sex, nudity, foul language, etc…I don’t recall the rating of the movie but we have the other two movies and new what to expect…

happy mom's picture

Daughter is 5 years old, she'll get scared of the characters in the xmen movie. She likes cartoons, like Wonder Pets. I'm waiting for the new Garfield to go out this Friday so I can take her.