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Woohoo!! Ss's Report Card Looks Good!

Dawn-Moderator's picture

Well, we got the report card in the mail today. It looks really good!! All of the perseverance and hard work paid off. Only two more trimesters until summer.

Ss got 5 A's, 2 B's and 1 C. That is awesome! The C was in Spanish. That's the only class that we can't track the assignments online. Not to mention, neither of us speak Spanish. Anyway, we are working on that one.

So, we are keeping ss off of ADD medication for now. It's more work but I think the benefits are worth it.



Persephone's picture

What a great feeling when you see the kids produce their potential!

The ADD med thing is so individual.... I have had teachers tell me they think my kids are ADD. After a lot of research I can only think that its the teachers that haven't reached these kids or the administrators haven't changed the paradigm. I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW there are websites for this topic! Smile But... I home schooled my oldest (labeled ADHD SINCE 2nd grade) with a .9 yes a .9 GPA and she was able to turn it around to a 3.8 and maintained it her Jr and Sr yrs. Home schooling gave her the self confidence and broke the label. actually I enjoyed schooling her, she wanted to go back to prove to everyone she wasn't dumb!! This was done without meds... I think the benefits are worth it too. I think once the kids experience success that can be a motivator.. so you are in the right direction!!

Colorado Girl's picture

My son...his creative, wacky mind. Please do not get me started on the politics of schools these days and their perception of a "normal" child.....

Anyways, for what it's worth, Thomas Edison would've probably been diagnosed ADHD as well. He was homeschooled as well because the teachers wouldn't tolerate his "out there behavior", and his mom didn't want to rein him in so to speak. Oh where would the world be if Edison's mom had been willing to conform her child?

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

Persephone's picture

I could go on for hours!! Wink

Colorado Girl's picture

nice when all your hard work has paid off....your SS and you!

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

Most Evil's picture
