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The judge saw Crazo for what she is! A crazy BM and ordered her to take parenting classes!

dragonfly5's picture

So just called, It is the best case scenario. The Judge told BM she needed to get rid of her anger and start putting her children first. He told her she had to take a parenting class and gave her a month to sign up for it.

He clarified the holiday's and told them that there would be no changes to the CO unless both people agreed to it, then it had to be put in writing and signed off by both of them.

She went into her crazy ranting about how he should take them when she wanted him to. The judge told her that truthfully SO didn't ever have to take them. But she had to have them available for SO to take at the times stated in the CO. She went nuts! It was great. She needed to hear that SO is not the baby sitter he is the dad, and he wasn't at her beacon call.

The sad thing is that she acts like he doesn't take them but when the judge looked at SO's calendars he saw that we have them about 175 days a year on the average. He looked at her and told her she was fortunate that obviously SO does want his kids. He does take them more than the minimums. He has never been late on his child support, and he was in court now so that he could spend more time
with them.

He also told her to stop bad mouthing SO to the kids and telling them their dad didn't want them when she would call and expect SO to drop everything to take them.

Also the "spitting" incident was brought up and the judge told SO if she threatens him or ever spits on him to call the police and
press charges. He told her that there was no excuse for that type of out of control behavior.

Wow! it was a win-win day. I am so happy and feel so blessed.

She must be absolutely "crazy" right now. She got nothing and was told she was not setting a good example as a mother.

I give TWO thumbs up for the Florida court system today!!!

Thank you all for the support, and listening to my rants.


Rags's picture

Congrats for being assigned what is very likely the only family court Judge not to come from the bottom 10% of the legal profession. It is good to hear of a case that went the way it should and a Judge who sees things clearly.

Congrats again.

Best regards.

aggravated1's picture

Yay for you!!!!! I seem to remember we are both in the same district, PM me that Judge's name!!! DH's old judge was transferred to criminal division, maybe we will get lucky and get the same one you had!!!

Jsmom's picture

Congrats - Nice to hear when it goes the way it should. Curious if she will do the right thing and not PAS the kids and abide by the CO.

dragonfly5's picture

Thanks! I hope so. Really I don't know what she will do. This is the first time SO has taken her to court about visitation. She has always been angry but when I came into the picture 2 1/2 yrs ago thats when she stepped up the craziness. It is sad when you have been divorced for almost 6 years, remarried for three and still have the need to control your ex. But that is her.

She needs a muzzle for her mouth most of the time. She spews "ugly" about everyone. I don't think she will change in that area, but I do think she won't do as she pleases with the schedule now.

She can say what she wants the kids have spent more time with their dad than their mom for years. So they know that she is just spewing. Isn't that sad.

herewegoagain's picture

Congrats! This was my favorite...

"The judge told her that truthfully SO didn't ever have to take them. But she had to have them available for SO to take at the times stated in the CO. "

I bet she went NUTS! I love how these BMs want ALL the control, the CS, the custody, the EVERYTHING...yet want to tell you that YOU have to do X or Y or Z...guess what? THEY DON'T...Idiot BM used to pull this BS on my DH when we had vacation or something...he would freak...I finally found out otherwise and he let her have it! LOL...Idiots! You want to make ALL decisions, YOU want the extra money, YOU want someone to PAY YOU to raise your own darn kids, then guess what? They are YOUR responsibility...the other parent, is really a VISITOR...that's why it's called VISITATION... lol

Most Evil's picture

Hey, great!! The good guys finally win one-!! I am glad you kept such good records, that certainly gave you more credibility with the judge - good job-!!@@