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Ugh Oh......

ecgirl's picture

So, we have not seen SS5 and SD7 since BM2 flipped her lid two weeks ago because I'm such a selfish bitch for needing to work on my education and career (see previous blog post for that story). But we have been able to see SD9. In fact we picked her up on Monday and took her swimming, where we got some scary information........
This past weekend was Thanksgiving here in Canada, and apparently BM1 and BM2 (and her hubby and new baby) and all the skids got together for Thanksgiving dinner. :jawdrop: These are the two women who two weeks ago couldn't give a shit about each others kids and how what they wanted effected them. And who a few months ago were both telling us how much they hated each other and how they couldn't believe they were ever friends. WTF? FDH and I are sure that they are plotting...... and it freaks us out a little.


Annanymous's picture

:jawdrop: I would avoid that like the plague. My response to the little girl would be feigning like I never even heard her and changing the subject. Then be extremely careful about what you do and say around any of the kids, because good or not they will report back to mom.'s picture

As Annanymous said, be VERY careful what you say to and around SD9. My SD7 and SD9 tell their mom stuff they hear me and DH talking about, so I'm careful what convos we have around them.

I can't see what they can really do to you or DH though. I doubt the courts would make it where your DH can't see his kids. They have no good reason to. So let them plot and plan and bitch. They'll get tired of being BFF's with each other eventually I'm sure.

ecgirl's picture

Thanks guys! We are watching our backs for sure! We are always very careful not to say anything in front of the kids for that exact reason, they will go back a repeat it! I told my FDH to start writing it all down, when he was refused visits, and we are going to go back to the summer when we had them almost every weekend and write down when we took them when it wasn't our time so that if they do take us to court they can't claim he doesn't want to see his kids.