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No acknowledgment from SD20 on DH's birthday

Elizabeth's picture

Big surprise (not). SD20 did not text, call, Facebook post, send a card, nothing for DH's birthday. She did text him asking him to fill out the FAFSA for her college. The only time SD20 gets in touch with him is for money, even though he never sees it.

He did thank me for making his birthday special. I took our two BDs to get him presents and cards, then he and I spent the day together (kids were in school) doing whatever he wanted. I just continue to be disappointed by SD20, I keep thinking some day she'll pull her head out of her ass, but maybe it will never happen.


Elizabeth's picture

I know, but I get to hear him make excuses about how she is still "just a child" and she'll eventually grow up and be considerate. I don't buy it. At what age are you no longer "just a child"? It's a sliding scale with DH. It used to be 18, now it's 21. Let's see if he moves that back more later.

Elizabeth's picture

College will last as long as the money keeps coming and daddy's expectations are low (C grades are fine). Forgetting his birthday DID cause upset, of course DH was sad/in a funky mood because of it.

whatwasithinkin's picture

this shit puts me over the edge with DH, he used to blame it on the BM, cant wait to see what happens when the girls are adults and it is in their hands...wanna bet now?

Most Evil's picture

So hurtful, yet so predictable. Sometimes my SD acts like, if it is not about her, she doesn't want to talk about it. !!!

Re. When they grow up, my DH is expecting more now that my SD is over 21 maybe that is our lucky number, rt??!!

Jsmom's picture

Don't do the FAFSA for her. Tell her to become independent and do it herself. He doesn't have to do it....