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Update: SD22 didn't come on trip, and now her social media is locked down

Elizabeth's picture

SD22 did not join us for the trip to scatter my mother-in-law's ashes. Whew. Whatever DH said evidently got through to her because we even rented a seven-passenger van so the lack of space in our five-passenger vehicle was moot.

On a related note, SD22's Facebook and Twitter pages are now locked down tight. So I'm guessing she wanted to make sure she could say nasty things about me without me finding out (I've found out before). Oh well.

And on another related note, Father-in-law didn't pay for a single thing on the trip, so it was almost like having moocher SD22 there. Smile Not that I think FIL is right, either, just to be clear. Pick up one meal or something buddy!


DaizyDuke's picture

Yeah! Glad you dodged THAT bullet! I can't imagine being stuck in a vehicle, hotel room etc with either skid. WAY too close for comfort!!!

Maxwell09's picture

Bunker down because you know something is coming! Ha. I can always predict when BM is about to cause trouble when her social media activity changes too much.

Indigo's picture

Wondered how the road trip went for you. Glad SD22 chose not to go. Bet she will attack you in some manner and this will come back to bite you on the ass ...