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Not my problem...

EvilAngel's picture

It's funny how we told Thunderfoot NO INTERNET...after she was caught sending nude pictures of herself for the THIRD time. I guess she's too stupid to realize I can see that she is on chat on FB. I mean...really kid? I don't know how I am ever going to deal with this effing kid...


WTF...REALLY's picture

Tale away all electronics from her. Now. Go get them. Now. Take em away. Now.

EvilAngel's picture

I am at work. She must be on the house computer. SOMEONE was supposed to change the internet password but I see that didn't happen. We've taken all of HER stuff from she's using OUR stuff.

EvilAngel's picture

I guess I will have to. It won't do me any good to say anything to DH because he will just dismiss it as usual...and I am tired today and don't feel like going rounds with him anyway.

EvilAngel's picture

I am going to chose to let this battle go. When she ends up all over the internet...maybe then she will learn. Somehow I doubt that though....

EvilAngel's picture

I don't know if I can do it from this computer or not. I can when I get to the house though.

EvilAngel's picture

I don't know why anyone would want to see her pasty white, frumpy ass anyway but I know that are sickos out there.

robin333's picture

Yeah, this can have serious consequences which a lot of teens don't get. Unfortunately, it can affect parents /guardians too. I'd disable the Internet when you are not there and change the passwords on your computer. That way you don't have to go rounds with your DH.

EvilAngel's picture

If I get caught up in some bullshit over this... The outcome won't be pretty. Changing the password right this second!

EvilAngel's picture

I was going to do that and didn't ... Dammit! I wish I had now. Of course when I get home she's in her room.

EvilAngel's picture

I changed the password. She is already grounded so I can't reground her. Lol but we were going to take her and Softheart to an amusement park. That privilege is gone now.