I'm sure this has been asked before but here I go anyway.
DH buys SD gifts/presents in excess of $20.00 almost once a week. The child has more toys than Toys R' Us. Then HIDES the receipts/boxes/tags from me. We have had a discussion about this NUMEROUS times. I tell him gifts are only for holidays and birthdays and maybe small treats for when she is REALLY good (which is hardly ever).
Do any of your SO's play this game with you? Whats the most extravagant gift your SO bought SK(s) just because?
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As long as he is taking it
As long as he is taking it out of his own money and not away from the household, I don't care what he buys for his kids. I would be pretty offended if my husband told me I couldn't buy something for my kids with my own money so I certainly wouldn't do that to him.
Big difference though if your husband is taking it out of household funds. We would be having a come to Jesus meeting then.
Do you share an account with
Do you share an account with your DH?
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
No shared account. BUT! He
No shared account. BUT! He will spend all this money on SD then ask ME for gas/lunch money.
After reading some of the
After reading some of the stories here, I'm so glad that BF and I don't share an account. I'd like to keep it that way too.
With your DH...if he comes asking you for money, just tell him, sorry hun, but the money tree we had growing in our back yard is fresh out of money leaves.
Just don't give it to him.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
Haha, I love the money tree
Haha, I love the money tree comment. I'll have to start that...
LOL Fading,
LOL Fading, could say,
Fading: "Sure honey, just go out back and pick you some off the money tree in the back yard."
DH: "Huh?, We don't have a Money Tree."
Fading: "Exxxacctllly, nothing gets by you Sweetie."
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
LMAO I just choked on a
LMAO I just choked on a cracker. *cough cough*
If I had a child I would buy
If I had a child I would buy presents for him/her as long as he/she is behaving and doing well in school. I don't think it becomes a problem until a parent is rewarding a child whose behavior is awful, or is just doing the bare minimum. This sends the wrong message to the child, and creates a spoiled little entitlement monster. Why does it bother you so much? Is it a financial issue? Is it that she is being rewarded for poor behavior? Or is it that he's hiding it from you that is more the problem for you?
"There comes a time when you have to surrender the idea of what your children could be to the reality of who they are."
Its financial (we are trying
Its financial (we are trying to purchase a house). SD does NOT behave EVER, its a constant struggle with her. Usually she mopes, pouts and screams long enough and he buys this stuff for her. And the hiding it irritates me too because it may be his money, but when I end up paying for everything by myself because he splurged on her because she yelled loud enough, it hurts.
Oh no. That's completely
Oh no. That's completely unacceptable. You are definitely headed for trouble if that is your DH's method for handling her demands.
"There comes a time when you have to surrender the idea of what your children could be to the reality of who they are."
hmmm...I pull similar stunts
hmmm...I pull similar stunts with my own purchases }:)
hiding receipts n boxes n such...especially on those steve madden thigh high boots I just bought
kidding aside, the whole purchasing tons of cool stuff for the kids is ONE of the MANY reasons DH and I do not share a checking account.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
BBB, if you like shoes you'd
BBB, if you like shoes you'd LOVE my closet... I don't hide the purchase, only the price }:) Hey its my money, and I make sure I still have enough to pay bills. If theres not enough, then bills come first! I have these AMAZING D&G knockoff boots (can't tell they are fakes unless you look at the price tag. 200.00 vs 35.00? i think i know the winner there)
lol, yeah I don't think I'm
lol, yeah I don't think I'm fooling anyone especially when he walks into my closet and sees the double row of shoes along the wall! Yikes!
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
Maybe if I start screaming
Maybe if I start screaming yelling and crying in public he will buy me whatever I want too....hmmm...