OT: WARNING Might Be Some Overshare
I just need to vent something and it has NOTHING to do with stepparenting (ok it might just a weeeeee lil bit). I had a birth control implant put in about a year ago and since have had no libido, none what-so-ever. Not only that but I have also been getting horrible bouts of depression, which can be a combo of the implant, disappointing DH when I'm not 'in the mood', and dealing with SD. I went to the gyno yesterday for my yearly and to ask some questions about the Implanon. She told me that my depression can be made worse by the implant but the lack of libido is not caused by it. They want to test my estrogen/testosterone levels to see if I have too much estrogen and not enough testosterone. I have a panic inducing fear of blood draws, but this is the only way to test it. When I got home I told DH about what the doctor said and nearly had a panic attack just thinking and talking about it. What did DH do? Laugh at me and tell me I'm being a ninny. I know he was trying to lighten the mood, but I have always had a horrible fear of blood draws and they cause me great anxiety. I know its dumb and I should just buck up and deal with it, but whenever I even think about blood draws I get teary-eyed, my heart jumps, I get sweaty and panicky (just as I am now, just typing about it). DH just said that 'we' need to figure out how to fix this libido problem. He wants it all the time and I could do completely without. But when I try to talk to him about how I am feeling about the situation its like I get the grand brush off and he changes the subject. I think this might be contributing to my anxiety/depression. Not being able to voice my feelings freely and get a response causes me to go into a foul, sad mood. Now DH does not do this all the time and usually listens to my feelings about anything and everything else, except for this libido/anxiety/depression issue. I am now looking into herbal supplements to see if I can fix the libido myself before succumbing to my worst fear: blood draws. But I don't know what to do about DH. And what if nothing will help my libido and its just the way I am? I know I will lose him then, even though he promises to never step out on me or leave me, making love helps make a relationship, a connection. And right now I feel horribly disconnected all together. I could cry all the time, sleep for days and never leave the house for months. Some times are worse than others, and some times I don't feel depressed at all. And sometimes I could just lay down and die. I just needed to talk about this. Since I have no one else to vent it to. Thanks for listening, I'm going to down my cappuchino and try to do some work...
- Fading's blog
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Ok honey, relax. Yes, there
Ok honey, relax. Yes, there can be medical reasons for a libido problem like hormone levels and whatnot, but there are a lot of psychological things that can attribute as well as your level of physical activity. I have a few questions for you...
Did you have depression before you had the Implanon? Hormonal birth control can contribute to depression in some women.
Did you have libido problems before you had the depression problems?
Do you exercise?
Do you have any hobbies or activities that you do "just for you"?
I feel like your doctor may be trying to breeze over the Implanon possibly causing the drop in your libido. Maybe it's not a direct side effect, but if it has contributed to your depression, and THAT has contributed to the loss of your libido, then it is still a secondary side effect of the Implanon.
However, if you had depression issues before the implant was put in, then there are probably other issues at play that are causing you to be depressed that need to be dealt with. This may not be the implant's fault. By the way that you write, you seem to speak about anxiety, panic attacks and depression in very familiar terms, so I am getting the impression that this may be a chronic issue for you which has been exacerbated by the implant.
I feel like the libido issue has brought to the surface some deeper issues in your relationship and your life, for example that you don't seem to feel supported by your DH or feel like you can talk to him about your feelings. These things are incredibly important. The lack of sex is just the visible manifestation of all the little problems that are boiling under the surface in your life that must be dealt with to make you happier and healthier overall, which should in turn increase your libido.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Your H probably thinks he's
Your H probably thinks he's helping you by trying to make you take the blood draw less seriously. Like distracting a child who doesn't want to get a shot, rather then feeding into her/his fears by agreeing that it's really scary.
If you feel supported by him in general, then have you told him that his attitude about this is making it worse? Sometimes you have to specifically ask for what you want. Men aren't mind readers, and sometimes their different ways of dealing with things can be misinterpreted by us.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
Libido is a funny old thing,
Libido is a funny old thing, and very few couples have theirs in sync so don't beat yourself up about it.
How was it in the beginning of your relationship (and I don't mean the first couple of months, more about a year in or so)?
If you think back to the last couple of times you were in the mood, can you remember what you'd been doing directly beforehand?
If you're only going to bed when you're really tired, or he's only instigating things first thing in the morning when your mind is on getting up & going with the day then as a couple you perhaps need to agree to actually carve out some time. If you have a 'date night' once a week with no phonecalls, kids, TV etc then you might find you're in the mood more.
I have always had a very
I have always had a very mild case of depression but it has only gotten worse since we started having SD more and since the implant. Before that I was an addict, and DH and I went at it like prarie dogs. It's only been within the last year or so that it has shrunk down to nil. We've been married 3 months and only romped about 7 times. He's always randy, whether its morning, night, afternoon, in public, etc. I give it to him, but sometimes I dread doing so because I know I may not enjoy it. Which I think comes from the depression. It's not that we don't 'try new things' I just am disinterested. My boss gave me the name of a therapist. I think I'm going to look into that. See if it helps. Maybe with therapy and herbal supplements plus if I get put on anti-depressants, it will help. I'm trying everything. And if i can avoid the blood draws and testosterone pills (i don't like the side effects: facial hair, deeper voice, etc) I'd be more than thankful.
"I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas Edison