STBH is thinking about
getting 2 of SKs full time. I am kinda iffy about it. The situtation is that BM is too busy running behind a pair of nuts and a penis to be a mother to SKs. So right now they are being raised by BMs mother and step father. Its like STBH said its his responisbility to raise his kids. I understand that honestly i do but at the same time he works 12 hrs graveyard shifts. So when he is at work they would be at home with me. Which means it will be on me to cook dinner, help with homework, comb hair, put to bed, etc. BM is psychotic. I don't think that she would let this happen. God I hope not. I am not their parent, but their future stepmother. Its like she has some control over them. Since they have been living with their grandparents they always speak to me when they come over without their dad making them speak. They mind better and have better manners. I am a little apprehensive about the whole situation. Its like I told him we are in this thing for better or for worse but there is going to be some ground rules. (1) She has NO SAY SO in what goes on this house (2) When i discipline them either you have my back or they can go back to their grandparents house because they will be here more with me than with you (2) When you are not here BM has no reason to show up at our house (3) When we argue it will NOT be in front of them we will do it in private (4) On weekends we you have to work they have to go somewhere. I don't care if its over their grandparents or with BM but I need some me time. The reason #4 is so important to me is because i have no children. I am so used to being by myself that if i don't spend time with myself i become irritable, grouchy, moody, and bitchy. I feel like this it is a lot for me to give up my time for someone else's responsibility the least that they can do it give me some time by myself. Maybe I am wrong and they just need to stay where they are but he is adamant about getting his kids. I am going to pray over it and let God lead me.
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If he is adamant about getting his kds then I would say that he will be getting his kds. You need to see if this is something that you can deal with in long run. I have seen a lot of people make campaign promises to their spouses when they are trying to get custody, but when the time comes they can't deliver. Can you see it through if they are there every other weekend? If STBH is adamant about getting his kds then its his responsibility to see how his schedule is going to fit theirs.
Plan for ANY eventuality!
Laying ground rules is great. You know me, I'm a firm believer in setting boundaries. But I also know that shit happens and sometimes we have to go to Plan B. You have a great Plan A going, but what about your Plan B? How are you going to handle it when BM does start showing up at your house? How are you going to handle it if the skids don't have anywhere to go on the weekends your DH works? You did the first part of the job, which is setting the ground rules. Have you come up with consequences for what happens when your boundaries get crossed? Be sure you and your partner are speaking the same language when you hash this out. If I had a dime for every time my husband said he thought I meant X when I really said Y, I'd be a very wealthy woman. (And I'd pay for your live-in nanny!)
~ Anne ~
"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook
for the advice ladies. I am going to take into account what Anne said about having a plan B. she has no reason to come to the house on those weekends Skids and there belongings will be going to grandparents house. I kind of feel bad b/c its like i am shipping them off on the weekends b/c i don't want them. But that's not the case i just want some time to myself. I deserve time to myself. He gets tired of me saying that i have no children. Which i don't have any human kids. My 2 children live in the back yard. My pitbull Lil Momma and a mutt name Oreo. He is like i have kids. DING DING DING you have kids. I know that they are suppose to be our kids, but these two BM want let me. Now that this is going on so much for my other blog entry about disengaging.
If raising children was going to be easy, it never would have started with something called labor!