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Will be back in port Sat.

ferretmom's picture

The ship will be back in port Sat and I was planning on staying a week in Charleston. But I changed my mind and will be flying to CO to spend a week with my grandkids. Sat is the girls' third birthday and I can't think of a better way to end my vacation. My lawyer is taking care of the IRS problem and is looking into ways to take care of the rest of my problems. I've missed you all and will tell all about my trip later if anyone is interested.

Hugs and Kisses


MSloan86's picture

Great to hear that you were able to continue on with your vacation. Hope you had a wonderful time and look forward to your lawyer resolving the rest of your problems.

now4teens's picture

And I'm so glad you are going to see your grandkids instead of going back home right away- good for you.

You have to know that a lot of us were thinking of you while you were away, praying that you had a terrific time.
And, OF COURSE we want to hear all about it, silly girl! Wink

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

Most Evil's picture

Just when you get back is fine . . . I think its a great idea to visit them too!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

The Principlist's picture

Of course we are interested in hearing about how wonderful your vacation was. I am glad that you were able to stay the entire time and enjoy yourself with peace and quiet. I am even happier that you will end it on a blissful note in visiting your grandkids for their birthday. It is such an exciting age and the event should bring added joy to this wonderful trip. I'm glad that your lawyer has everything covered. Enjoy the rest of your trip and gird your loins when you are ready to head back home. You know it will be time to do battle, but you are all rejuvenated and recharged.

ENJOY what remains.

Just because one opens her legs twice, does not a mother make! ~ ME ~ }:-P

Endora's picture

To hear from you! Glad you had some R&R! Cannot wait to hear about your trip!

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!