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to ignore or not to ignore.

flintstonegarden's picture

I love all my kids (step kids and biological). My youngest stepson is allergic to eggs and nuts. When I met my spouse literally 6 meals were being made every day. One that was safe for the youngest to eat and one that everyone else ate. I felt so bad for the youngest having to watch everyone else eat things like pizza, cake, burgers etc while he literally ate the same handful of meals day in, day out. Oatmeal, mac n cheese, chicken, fish, rice and of course fruits and veggies. When I moved in this all changed. gone are the days of making two meals at each meals time. My youngest step son now gets to eat everything we eat because I modify the recipes to exclude his allergies. At four years of age he has eaten his first burger, grill cheese, hot dog, chocolate cake, cinnamon buns etc. (talk about a happy kid and he loves baking what we call D***** safe breads with me). I have been doing this for 10mths and I am happy to report that his birth mom is finally doing the same but heart broken every time the boys come here bragging about all the D***** safe baking she has now started doing that I've been doing since my kids and I moved. I know they go back to her and tell her everything we do (either freely or because she questions them)because within 24hrs of being back with her she starts giving us crap via text message. I can only imagine she feels like I am trying to show her up or something with what the boys likely say to her but It hurts and feels like they don't appreciate the changes I made that made the little guy have better equality in the home. Does anyone else experience this sort of thing and how's the best away to handle it. I don't feel right telling the kids we don't want to hear what happens at their moms house or what she does for or with them.


flintstonegarden's picture

Oh we get the mom lets us..... comments too but we tend to do the suggested response this isn't moms house and our rules are different... I would just like to see it stop because knowing how it makes me feel I can only imagine what she feels if they do the same at her place.... I try to ignore a lot of it and bite my tongue reminding myself the separation between their mom and dad is still new.... but at the same time it does cause tension in my relationship every time they go back to their moms and vise versa. Part of me feels like why do I even bother.

flintstonegarden's picture

The comments box needs a like button like facebook has because so far I like all your comments... thank you Smile

Cover1W's picture

Last year BM thanked me for helping with the SDs very picky eating problems.
I just ignore the food she sends them to school with, I just won't do that.
SD11 makes her own lunches and SD9 is learning.

SD11 is not really any better (I think she has a particular disorder but that's now in DPs court), but SD9 is really growing out of it. She will eat almost anything I ask her to try, and she even ate a fairly spicy mexican food item recently, just one, but she ate it! And then 1/2 a hamburger later! And a nectarine! It's really exiting when they get interested in food. SD9 even picked out some recipes in a cookbook she wants to try when she's with us without SD11 for a couple days in July.