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O/T: Afraid of BS3 getting out front door

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

So BS 3 can now unlock the front deadbolt. The door handle can be turned from inside while remaining locked on the outside. I'm so afraid he is going to get up while we are sleeping and get out the front door and not be able to get back in since the handle will be locked. So I was thinking of putting one of those hotel locks on... the kind with the horseshoe bar that you push shut over the little ball.

What have others done about this?


FTMandSM's picture

They have child proofing for door handles. You can get one of those pretty cheap without putting holes in your door.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

A friend of mine has twin boys (they are 6 now) and when they were 3 they were always opening the front door. They put a sliding lock thing on the door, but, yes, it was waaaay up top where they couldn't reach it.

Until they learned to pull a chair over to stand on to get to it.

For now, maybe that would help?

~ Moon

overworkedmom's picture

They also make little alarms that go on doors and windows that will sound or chime every time they are opened and they are fairly inexpensive and can be found at hardware stores.

Drac0's picture

Welcome to my world! Scrounger(BD2) and the Cooler King(BS4) have been planning their escape for several months now. Locks, deadbolts, etc are just kiddy puzzles to them. Plus several of my spoons are missing and I keep finding little piles of dirt here and there....

simifan's picture

DS was a hudini.. we used a double keyed deadbolt and kept the keys in another room. We also used the chain. He still got it out occasionally.

Jsmom's picture

My son did this at 4. I had a flip lock put on way at the top of the door. Solved it. It is a small bar that just flips over. Not as big as the hotel lock.

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

I thought about replacing the deadlock with a keyed deadlock but I want to be able to easily lock that door at night.

StepX2's picture

Get a flip lock. Google it to see what it is. It only costs a couple of dollars, is very easy to install (just a couple of screws) and you can put it where ever you want. I put mine at the top of the door. Also, it's very easy to take off when you don't need it anymore.

kathc's picture

Just stick either a chain lock or a sliding lock up near the top of the door where kids can't reach.