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Baaaaaaaaaad To The Bone.....

Francesca's picture

So, BM tells FDH and mediator that teens won't see dad unless he comes back to mother (gone two years).

Teens say this because BM told them they have to get him back for her.



poisonivy's picture

I'm sorry....I just got a mental picture of me speeding into the sunset, leaving skidmarks on the pavement, with DH hanging on to the back bumper flopping in the wind and yelling "well at least send me a card at Christmas!!!!!"


}:) }:) }:) }:) }:) }:)

Francesca's picture

Mediator suggests they go to dinner together to talk to kids. FDH says no, she'll think it means they are getting back together, he'll go with teens only.

I'm not ok because I feel so bad for the kids. Normally I'd say go be two adults and deal with their feelings. I don't know what to say. I just drank a glass of wine and fell asleep.

Oldest teen wrote him a letter but then BM decided not to give it to him. Mediator told her to give him letter. She refused. Most likely because most letters they talk about his "whore." She might be figuring out that doesn't look so good for her.

Apples's picture

Bunny boiler much? Seriously there has to come a point when you realise it's actually over, and emotional release doesn't come until that point..

Any therapist will tell you it's ok to grieve for years, infact most would be worried if you didn't, but there's a difference between grief and denial, this sounds like denial, and she needs help.

I don't mean that in a "she's a crazy bitch" way, but she's heading down a path of destruction that will take everyone down with her.. she needs help asap.

Francesca's picture

We've just spent the whole evening discussing the mediator. I have a bad feeling inside about her. She's a psychologist AND attorney. We've been e-mail arguing because we won't let her make any more appts unless the BM is ready to work on a custody agreement. She won't give us a yes or no, maybe due to privacy issues. I don't think that's it, though, because she can simply tell him. She keeps going on about child support when no residential custody has been agreed on yet. At 200.00 an hour she needs to work fast, not drag this out. First thing she told him was to give her more money. PUUULEEESE. She goes from sister to friend to front porch. How about a JOB