Another interesting thing
Im sure my titles will get better as i get use to blogging and so forth lol that's not the story this is...About 4 months ago the Sd been her for about 2 and a half months then. Well i was new about how to voice my opinion about her to the dh and how he would react, anyway i had been telling him somethings because this was shortly after the incident of her sitting on his lap at one of my relatives house she is 19. But i guess he got frustrated with everything everyone was trying to tell him in a nice way about how his attitude and the way he was i'll call it letting her be overfriendly with him. Anyway me and him had just finished arguring just a little but then it was over. I was trying to tell him that you deserve more respect from your daughter she isn't respecting you at all (i have frequently told him that they sd and him cannot be friends meaning he is the father and should act as such she has a cell phone like most and clings to it texting and facebooking and twitter she has plenty of friends she don't need to be swearing with her yes she say anything out her mouth and thought she could do anything i didn't think she was at all respectful of my family but when she was around me and my family she was if i wasn't there she was diffrent. They play fight yes play fight i hate to keep mentioning her huge boobs but they bob everywhere and are barely in her shirt so hey it is noticeable. She got the dog and wasn't cleaning up after it or walking it. Her phone got messed up she threw it in my house and broke something i told him about it and it was like ok she hit my car with her fist when her phone stopped working. She sits in the front seat of the car at all times and he doesnt have a problem with it not once has he said sit in the back i want to sit by my wife so that is another reason i dont hang out or go anywhere with them and plus im a grown women i can't keep hanging out daily with a child i have my own children. So that is some of the things that were going on and when he wouold ask her to clean up or something she would dismiss him ill do it later. So after our brief arugment and then he got himself together He went downstairs to wake her up it was about 1 in the afternoon to feed and take care of the dog apparently cause i wasn't there this turned into a fight she told him, she will do it later he said now she said no he picked her big ass up and threw her out the house he said you will respect me. that is the part i came in on cause they were screaming and she was fighting to get back in the house even though she said she wasnt he put her out with no shoes and said that is what your mouth got you into get out. I heard her say she dont bit her tounge to no one especially him he left her so she dont have to respect him to this day that happened 4 months ago i wish i had let him let her go but i wanted to be fair and wanted them to have a relationship not this gross thing they have but a real relationship. Anyway he told her im having confict with other people because of your foul attitude no one gon like you you keep acting this way. I was proud of him but things changed and they didn't her mouth is still foul but a little better but he stopped the dh he didn't keep backing and reinforcing this talking up to her. I will admit that she is better but not really that is why we are back here except now it's not her sd that is the problem it is the dh who wont sound off like he got a pair and it is not fair for my children to see this double standard and i talked til i was blue in the face and now i don't have nothing to say i 4 months later am disengaged
- frustrated 1's blog
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