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So much negativity....

FTMandSM's picture

I feel like there is so much negetivity surrounding my self and FDH, mainly due to FDH's past and family. BM is and will always be an issue. His parents have created such a shit storm with Thanksgiving and a few other things. They will not be attending DS's 1st birhtday next month. It's crazy to think so much negativity can surround one person. I often think how different my life would be if I wasn't with him. But I know the grass isn't always greener on the other side. It would be nice if one thing would just go smoothly, no issues, no arguments....oh well, just stuck in a rut I guess....

Anyone else think their DH/SO/FDH has so much negativity in their life that it starts to eat away at you?


FTMandSM's picture

yeah, your MIL is crazy....Mine is just starting to show hers. FDH's dad is an ass. I have decided to write them off.

FTMandSM's picture


Totalybogus's picture

Honey, I wrote this book a few years ago. at some point though, you need to take ownership of your own happiness. Stop relying on him to make you happy. As soon as something starts, tell yourself you're not going down that rabbit hole with him. Do something else. Distract yourself and your son from that moment.

If his parents don't want to come for thanksgiving or for your son's birthday party, f--k them. Throw your own festivity and if he brings the negative vibe, send him to his parent's house. Smile

FTMandSM's picture

You are right. It's tough sometimes. I'm the type of person that wants everyone around me happy. I'm working on it though! I think it bothers me because I see how upset it makes him. I'm glad they aren't coming to DS's b-day party, it would just be awkward.

Totalybogus's picture

I think most women feel this way. We are nurturers. These days though, we have so many hats, that we forget about our own happiness. Just remember.. if mamma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy! It really is true