Home Study!!
I live in Virginia and we are expecting a home study, this Wednesday.. Does anyone have any idea what these consist of I have nothing to hide, but I am nervous about some stranger coming into my home and evaluating me..I have never been through anything remotely close to this..We are doing this because the judge ordered it, my DH is trying to get sole custody of his children..Any information will be greatly appreciated..
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I know
my dh and i went through a homestudy to foster kids and i had 2 babies.They werent here long but they made sure i had fire alarms on every floor,fire extinguishers,baby gates,carbon monoxide detecter,and if you have a fireplace that might be something to worry about like a gate around it.Any pets we had needed to be up to date with needles.Safety locks on cupboards and outlets.I hope this helps you and good luck.
Thank you!!
Did they search your house like, I heard they go through your house looking in fridge cabinets and under the beds..Why they would do this I dont know but thats what some of my family has said..But I dont remember my family ever doing a homestudy..
You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
Sir Winston Churchill..
quite to the extreme of looking under our bed but yes they looked in my cupboards to make sure i had cleaning supplies up so little ones could not get to them.Oh yes if you have any doors like a basement door they could open and fall down stairs you need to put a lock on it so they cant open it and the lock has to be high so they cant reach.How old are the kids?
They are
9 and 12..We live in an apartment right now, so we dont have a basement..I dont know why Im so nervous about all this, just uneasy about a stranger judging me and my DH..
You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
Sir Winston Churchill..
I think you
will be just fine and you might not have to go to all those extreames because they are older.I know that they will be looking at the stability of yours and dhs relationship and how you plan to discipline if anything arises you and dh should discuss this stuff and be on the same page before they come.I am sure everything will go well for you just focus on whats best for the children and they will see that.
we had to do it too
when we were going for custody of SS. The lady came to uor home first, then she went to BM's. When she met with us, it was actually really nice. She asked alot of questions, took notes on how are home looked, where the skids slept, and where SS would stay if he was with us full time. She was impressed that we were going to give him our room, and we would take the smaller room, as he would need the space more than us. She checked out the rest of the house, and was pretty impressed, even with the pictures on the wall.......I love having "family pic.'s on display of all our kids and us.....it's my "wall of fame". We talked about our family, and how well I got along with my inlaws and the skids. She asked my DH about disipline, rules, and such. After she left, she then went to BM's. I wondered how that would turn out....and found out the next day when SS came over that the lady did not like BM's 2 huge untrained dogs, barking and jumping up at her, or the disorder in the house (and BM supposivly cleaned up just for her, what a laugh) BM is a total slob. Also, she does not hang pictures of family, she hangs objects on the walls, and they HAVE TO BE crooked, she likes everything either upside down or crooked, and painted the house muli colors......can you sat PEE WEE Herman. LOL......So the lady found all this a bit off, then BM bad mouthed us the whole time, thinking she was doing something swift. Two weeks later we got our evaluation back......she highly recommended us. Took that to court, and SS was living with us the next day. Good luck to you guys, It's not a hard thing to go through when you really have nothing going on....just consider it a step closer to your goal. "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."~ Randy Pausch
Shew what a sigh of relief
I have pictures up of all our children but they are in our bedroom, should I put them elsewhere?? Sorry for so many questions but I really want those kids out of that house and hell they are in and willing to do whatever I can do get them out of there..Thanks for the kind words..
You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
Sir Winston Churchill..
no, you don't need to move
the pictures, it's nice that they are in there....first thing you see in the a.m., last thing you see before sleeping at night. It's cool. You guys will do fine I'm sure. Remember: your kind spirit is what will shine through the most, you don't need to put on "airs" for that.
"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."~ Randy Pausch