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I filed a police report but they didn't have much to go on so it looks like nothing can be done

Gentry's picture

Ds is walking to the library after school which is 2 blocks away from school and staying there until I can get him after work. Dh and I talked more about moving this weekend and he said he would move if his kids did. He isn't willing to move without them but I doubt bm will move.


Livingoutloud's picture

Personally I'd never live in a bad area. Especially not with children. It's my choice. Other people are ok in whatever area. I don't care what it costs, if your salary doesn't allow you to live in a nicer place without DH, then look for a better paid job so you can move out

Livingoutloud's picture

Why was he fighting? Was it a big travel distance? Why would he tell you to live in the ghetto? That doesn't even make sense, unless much cheaper price was an indication. Over here quality of schools and overall standards of area, directly correlate with price of rent/property 99% of the time

Ninji's picture

What is your plan of action if DH refuses to move (which seems to be the case here). Are you going to prioritize your children's safety over a man or are you going to be one of those woman that prioritize a man over their children?

ESMOD's picture

Isn't there somewhere reasonably closer to BM that would be in a better area? Where I am, it's not unusual to have both good and bad areas feeding into the same school system for example.. or be a mile from a less great area and it's not bad.