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Georgie Girl's picture

Well, we found out more about my mom. She definately has breast cancer and happily it is very treatable. The doctor wants her to go for an MRI, to get a clearer picture of the affected areas, so they can determine which way they are going to go. She is remaining optomistic, as am I. Thank you all for your support and prayers. It is nice to just get it out somewhere.

Georgie Girl


Anne 8102's picture

So you've got support here whenever you need it! The next few months may get a little rough, but she'll get through it and so will you. Hang in there and keep that optimism going, because that truly is the best medicine. My mom had to have a mastectomy with chemo and radiation, followed by a reconstruction surgery. Any questions, fire away!

~ Anne ~

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Georgie Girl's picture

Thank you both! Anne, I may just take you up on that. So far, the Dr. seems to be leaning towards mastectomy with chemo afterward but the mass isn't real clear, so he wants an mri first. We will know more next week. It is amazing how many people that I have come across that have had a family member who is a survivor. Soooo encouraging.
Thanks again for your support. You ladies are awesome!!!!