Jeebus H. Cripes on a Cracker, Ann...
She's driving me nuts with her "skids."
About how unbelievably adorable they are.
How incredibly intelligent they are.
How they're so amazingly talented at soccer and basketball and skating.
She sounds like a 14-year-old gushing over her first boyfriend! This is a 40-year-old woman talking about the kids belonging to her boyfriend of THREE MONTHS.
I've met these kids. They're not ugly, but they're...well, they're average kids. They're attractive enough as far as kids go, but they're kids. Their front teeth are too big for their faces. You know, average kids. I have no idea how intelligent or athletic they are, but I'm sure they're like everyone else's kids. But in Ann's She's wearing the goggles of a teenage girl mooning over the captain of the football team. I really don't think she realizes how ridiculous it makes her sound.
She used to talk about her own kid non-stop. I haven't heard her say more than two words about her own kid lately. For that matter, she doesn't even gush about HOT TOM anymore> It's his kids!
Ann and I have worked together 8 years, and been good friends for 7. But sweet mother of pearl, I can't keep coming in to work every freakin' day and listening to her gush over these kids? What the hell? I liked my (ex)skids the first few years too, but I sure as hell didn't feel the need to talk about how ahhmaaaaaazing they are all the damn time to anyone who will listen.
Does anyone think this is just beyond weird?
Oh, and something else...
All of a sudden, after 7 years of not caring about her ex (her son's father) not taking his visitation and seeing their son a few times a year when he only lives 2 hours away, she's taking him to court to iron out a new schedule. She's suddenly willing to give her ex more time. Is she trying to get rid of her kid, or is she trying to prove what a fantastic mom she is by showing Hot Tommy how she believes a father's involvement is super important? I think it's the latter.
- GhostWhoCooksDinner's blog
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It almost sounds more like
It almost sounds more like she's trying to convince herself and she is looking for reassurance. Ghost, my sister is in the same situation. I think her and Ann need to get their heads out of their behinds.
There's got to be a self-help
There's got to be a self-help group for this somewhere. SODIC- Survivors of Dick-Induced Coma?
SODIC, I like it. I don't
SODIC, I like it.
I don't get it, Ghost. By all accounts they both sound like intelligent, independent women. And my sister has never had children of her own. Why in the name of all that is decent and holy would you pick up the mantle of raising two teenage girls? I'd sooner stick bamboo shoots up my fingernails while reciting the score to the 'HMS Pinafore' whilst standing on my head.
I'm not hearing desperation,
I'm not hearing desperation, but Ann's one of those people who can hide fear and other negative feelings really well. There's gotta be SOME of that there. I mean, she lived my step nightmare right along with me. I know she thinks she's special and different, but she got to have some kind of reservations, at least deep down.
LOL, these chronicles of Ann
LOL, these chronicles of Ann are fun to read!
I think Ann is stuck in the dicksand!
I agree with your assessment as to why she is just now worrying about visitation with her son's father. She is definitely trying to prove that she is a fantastic mom and supports father's rights! Wow! I would be annoyed at this point as well!
Thank you! I now have the
Thank you! I now have the title for my future book about the adventures of Ann:
"Stuck in the Dicksand: A Sad Tale of Dick-Induced Coma"

LMAO, yes, perfect title! I
LMAO, yes, perfect title! I would read it
Maybe you can make some money off of this nonsense being forced into your ears!
One of the chapters could be
One of the chapters could be "Up Dick's Creek without a Paddle"!
OMG I would want to scream
OMG I would want to scream from the rooftops how much of a horrible mistake she is making. I understand she won't listen to you because her situation is "NOT LIKE THAT"
We all have lived it. Went into stephell with the rose colored glasses and thought that LOVE could conquer all. And then we were smacked back into reality once the BM went ape shit over the fact that we are taking her place, or the Skids hated us for taking their father away (in their own minds. OR the best one, when her SO totally throws her under the bus as to not make the little snowflakes hate him.
Yup...She has a long way to fall.
I can honestly say (and hate to admit) I didn't like DH's kids from the beginning. I thought they were loud, disruptive and stand offish to me and my BS. I kept making excuses like the fact that we all needed more time together or it would just take time for all the kids to get used to living together.
I didn't confess that there were nights (when we lived in separate towns) that I made excuses not to come see Dh because I didn't want to be around his children. Or I would not come see him on the weekends he worked because I knew he was wanting me to watch his spawn and I didn't want to.
I love my DH and I am glad we stuck it out and made it work but I would probably have waiting about 5 years before marrying him until most of the kids were gone and out of the house. This poor woman will learn the hard way for sure.
I think that's exactly it.
I think that's exactly it. She wants another baby SO BAD she NEEDS to know that Hot Tommy's the one.
What year does the Valium get
What year does the Valium get introduced?
"Sister Mary Martha from Our
"Sister Mary Martha from Our Lady of the Perpetual Cardigan" - i just spewed my drink. that is hilarious!!!!!
Love it!!
Love it!!
She sounds annoying AF. Even
She sounds annoying AF. Even when I semi-liked skids, I didn't talk about them (unless explicitly asked) cause hellllooo they aren't my kids and that's weird.
I am SOOOOOO sick of hearing
I am SOOOOOO sick of hearing all of it! I try to sneak into work and shut the door like I'm busy. LOL
Honestly, I love hearing
Honestly, I love hearing stories about Ann. But, maybe Ann has captured that elusive unicorn? It's highly doubtful but for Ann's sake, I hope that hole she's stuck her head in is mighty deep!
Ghost, Thank you again for
Ghost, Thank you again for the update. It is really freaking weird she is going on and on about these skids that she barley knows. I hardly ever talk about my SO's son with anyone other than like my parents. I do not gush about him and I am 31. Your friend sounds like she got some issues going on and it maybe the later but it is a little concerning that now all the sudden her own kid like does not exist, she is setting that kid up to resent the hell out of these kids and her new SO.
I know it has been said but I really can not fathom that someones dick is that magical if literally puts a woman into a trance like this. She makes him and his kids sound like the shoot rainbows out there butts and do nothing wrong.
Goodluck in tuning it out. Maybe get those industrial ear muffs, next time she starts talking just put them on. LOL.
I agree with Heaven she got some biological clock that they alarm is RINGING like non-stop for her.
"Is she trying to get rid of
"Is she trying to get rid of her kid, or is she trying to prove what a fantastic mom she is by showing Hot Tommy how she believes a father's involvement is super important?"
Ding ding ding!!!
The whole time dh and I courted he did all the driving for pickup and dropoff. That was four trips a week for him -- two of them round trips so a total of 6 trips one way. Every week. She lives 25 miles away from him.
But suddenly around the time we got married, BM had an old boyfriend resurface. He was griping to her about how his ex wife doesn't do any of the driving for exchanging their kid. Guess who suddenly started schlepping the kids in her own car once a week? Ha!
Ann, meet my skids' BM. Peas in a pod.
Ann has switched from gushing
Ann has switched from gushing over Hot Tom to gushing over his kids. It's likely that Hottie Tommy is going to feel ignored by Ann and use her as the nanny while he's goes and finds someone else to gush over him. Ann is already acting like a mom to skids while ignoring her own child and now her boyfriend.
The custody alteration is probably many things, one of which may be to get her kid out of her hair so she has more time for Tom,his kids and babymaking, Tom may be encouraging this. Ann may want her kid to have a relationship with his dad like Tom has with his kids which is unlikely is Biodad has been absent and uninterested most of the kids life.
I really don't think she
I really don't think she wants her son to have a relationship with his father. In fact, She's hoping that he'll decide to stop visitation altogether sooner rather than later (and yes, she'd allow him to make that choice). She has no use for the guy and constantly badmouths him. I really think it's all to impress Hot Tom. In Ann's ideal world, both of the other parents are out f the picture completely and she, the man, and their kids are a Happy Little Family with no interference. (She keeps praying for BM to move back to her home country sans kids. OK, Ann. Be careful what you wish for.)
I don't think Tom has that great of a relationship with his kids since he can't seem to address any of his daughter's crap.
(Furthermore, he is NOT hot. He's 5'9" and looks like Tom Cruise. Ugh....)
Oh, I've tried. She lived
Oh, I've tried. She lived through my entire step nightmare with me. She knows of which I speak. But she's not in a place where she will hear me right now.
OMG I just peed a little.
OMG I just peed a little. That is HILARIOUS!!!^^^
I just adore the Ann updates.
I just adore the Ann updates. Makes me feel better about my initial state of DIC, that I now suffer the permanent effects of. Oh, the bliss that comes with being as blind and ignorant as, Ann is, right now.
and so it begins... When you
and so it begins... When you become a SM - you have to sell all your own children, cause you will not have time for them.. Ann is definitely falling into this trap.
There's nothing you can do now for this friend... she's on her own now, let her talk about the snow flakes, hell I would even record her secretly, and if she comes back after 6 months saying anything nasty about them... I will play the recording to her... and say oh shut the hell up.
I think Ann is knowing she's making all the mistakes and she sees all the red flags you pointed out, now she's trying to convince herself she's right and you are wrong..
Ann KNOWS I'm right. Deep
Ann KNOWS I'm right. Deep down she does. Unfortunately, I have a knack for seeing how situations are going to turn out. (Except in my own life!) She knows this about me, and she's fighting it.
Miracles can happen. Stepfamilies can work out. I just don't see it happening here.
Ha she's in the "honeymoon"
Ha she's in the "honeymoon" phase of Skids... 3 months? Give it 2-3 more months and we will see her on here talking about what little sh*ts they are and googling how much xanax is too much to add to your nightly alcohol intake. This reminds me of new interns that come into a company full of hope and energy. I just want to tell them "I see your soul is not yet crushed and your dreams go out the window.. let's work on that." 6 months later you see the fire die lol.
I think you can def have a good relationship with your skids but as much as I love mine... I am mentally selling them on ebay at least 3 times a day.
And yes, I totally think that she is trying to embrace the "we can all be a happy family and live happily ever after" view with her own son. My guess is she probably sees the BM acting all psycho town and doesn't want to be placed in the same category as her with her own child.
I would LOVE to record her
I would LOVE to record her and play it back in a year.
All of this dick talk has me
All of this dick talk has me laughing like a damn hyena. I snaughled, snorted, a shot coffee fire out of my nose! SODIC?? ROFLMAO!!!