I am an older poster on this site. For me life is like a movie. I have already sat and watched the movie play out to the end. Even if there is a sequel, everything was put into place during the original movie that will guarantee the same outcome as the original movie.
I recently reconneced with an older friend who was going through the step problems when I knew her 20 years ago. Life for her is like that movie, she now knows how it ends. When you are watching the movie there are expectations of how it will turn out. The entire time you are hoping that miraculously good triumps over evil, and in the end everything falls into place for a teary eyed, happy ending. There is nothing like a feel good movie.
For many younger posters, you are at the point of still watching the movie. Still looks like there is a chance for this movie to end in a number of ways. Still looks like a possible " Brady Bunch " outcome. Just try harder, give it your all and good things will happen to those who persevere.
After talking with my friend, hearing her regrets, listening to the stories and outcomes of many others there are a few incidences in their stories that are much the same.
They worked to help support their household because half the husband's paycheck was sent to the ex wife for child support.
The ex from the time of children's births had full opportunity to establish herself as their authority figure and set consequences.
In most cases, the call from the ex demanding " Take these kids, they are uncontrollable and I do not want to deal with this" came at a time when the children were teens. They were not being moved to a different household because they were pleasant, thoughtful ,well behaved, acedemic achievers.
The movie did not end as teary eyed and happy as these people had hoped.
Dad worked. How was he going to supervise and get these children turned around.
SM was never an authority figure prior to moving in and couldn't be after
The happy, youthful, funloving wife who enjoyed getting together with other friend couples, dining and dancing, concerts had remarked to me " I became nothing but the worn out bitch" The ex was now in the position to enjoy all the fun things in life that once was her life. Now she had the kids and work. Now she was tied down.
The story for her is at it's end. She knows how it ends. The kids are all best friends with mom. Her husband of many years has died. Since collecting their inheritance do they call? Do they come to visit? Do they ever remember her for a meal, a holiday, anything? NO
- godess-clueless's blog
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Well, I hear you. Yep. I
Well, I hear you. Yep. I too have watched this movie unfold just as I thought. The only difference is that because I could see it so long ago, I did my best to disconnect. I told my DH what the ending would be. I told him that I would no longer be taken advantage of. And at the point that he decided to go with their side, I would be out.
Sure enough...12 years ago I saw how this would turn out. Crazy kid, lousy grades, crazy witch blaming it on us, kid wanting to live with us because she was out of control at her house, BM saying no because she wanted to keep the CS...crazy kid getting prego, crazy kid being a dropout. It has all come true. What now remains is CS stops and crazy kid starts calling and my DH feels bad and takes her side. I am prepared. I am prepared to walk away the day he takes her side. I know that if he takes her side just once, the movie will end just as I thought. Me being taken advantage of for years, dedicating my best years to a relationship that was doomed from the start. But because I have a child, I will continue to try. But if and honestly, to me it's a matter of when, my DH feels sorry and starts giving to his daughter in spite of what we have been through, it will be time for me to follow that movie til the end and walk away as I always knew I would have to do.
Hey I know what you mean and
Hey I know what you mean and you are right, but . .
The only difference is that I don't want SD around if DH is gone, I will not be looking to her for company in any way, shape or form!!!
So that is one comfort, lol
is there really someone on
is there really someone on this site that has expectations that steps would keep in touch after the death of their birth parent whether it be father or mother and after their settlement from an estate? Because I dont operate under that illusion, and would never think that the situation would turn out differently.