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BM Drinking Game!

GoodBye's picture

One of my best friends is a SM while also deals with a psycho BM and we have come up with a great drinking game...every time BM is annoying/stupid/psycho/pain in the ass...we have a drink. It's that simple. Who's in??


DoubleUteeEFF's picture

I can so go for a drink!!!!
But I gotta wait about 2 months. lol. ):

GoodBye's picture

Haha!! After enduring 4 years of BM's nonsense, I can assure you I will still be drinking in two months Blum 3 see you on the other side!

GoodBye's picture

BM is unbearably psycho for us as well. Drinking just takes the edge off...making it into a game, well that makes it almost enjoyable Smile lol

newbiemommy's picture

I can't afford to spend my life drunk! Like today alone I would have been drunk by noon.

luchay's picture

LMAO - in theory I love it,

But like all the others I would be incapacitated 24/7 so maybe I will just keep a tally card, and then every evening once the kids are in bed and OH thinks it's couple time I will "catch up!"


Passed out drunk every night, lets see how he feels being left essentially alone all the time.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Hahaha...yup....would of been drunk for the last 5 years.

I will has never looked better these last few years. Its red, so its good for you....right?????

hereiam's picture

I can't play either, no contact with BM for over 4 years. But I'm sure she's still plenty stupid and psycho, and a pain in someone's ass, so what the hell.