I went to dinner with a plan
I turned to my brother and his wife for advise and they helped me decide what I needed to do. I got quite an earful from my sister in law on how women play games and she told me what to expect from my wife. She wasn't wrong. I would go to dinner and only wait for 10 minutes for her to show before leaving. If she showed, I would tell her I love and value her and want her in my life but I am not willing to pay for her bills or for her children. My kids will spend summer break with me those are non negotiable. If she wants me for me than she can have me. If she wants me for my money she will have to make some decisions because my wallet is closed.
I got to the restrauant at 7 and I left at 7:10. She texted me at 7:30 to say she was there and where was I. She is playing games like my sister in law said she would and I am not falling for it. I didn't respond. She showed up at home around 8:30 livid saying I stood her up and how dare I. She was more livid when she saw that my kids were there and she told me I need to choose what I want more. Her or a summer with my kids. I told her I pick the summer with my kids and bye. I picked up a book and started reading. She tore through the house collecting stuff and then left. She sent me a text this morning telling me I will never find another woman like her and if I don't make this right she is gone. She is willing to give me another chance I just need to abide by her ground rules. I responded no thanks and she is blowing up my phone. I have an appointment with my counselor this afternoon and it can't get here soon enough. I am seeing an ugly side to my wife that i have never seen before.
- Gunner's blog
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I don't know what to say
I don't know what to say Gunner as a woman I should feel for this poor woman...
but I am laughing and thinking, yes bitch you tried to be cute and threatened to walk away, now what... you lost a great guy and for what....
I hope you never take this woman back and file for divorce immediately, you will not even pay alimony or anything for that matter, get a good lawyer and start immediately with the proceedings.... and please be careful she will come back saying she made a mistake and try and seduce you into bed... it's all bluff she only wants your wallet... but this time she might get pregnant and then you are fucked for life...
enjoy the summer with your kids and your own money
Thank goodness you finally
Thank goodness you finally stood your ground. You do NOT need to be treated like that and your children deserve more.
Not that she realizes you are dead serious, be prepared for her to come running back acting as if she is sorry and wanting to change. It will be a hoax and just a way to come back in and get you to start paying for her and her children again. Do NOT fall for it. She is out so make sure you stand your ground and keep her out.
another, he can be glad he
another, he can be glad he doesn't live in Africa. Our courts don't care about pre nups. They aren't worth the paper you write them on, other than to ensure your spouse's debt is not your own.
I'm not sure what her
I'm not sure what her motivations are/were now. I know she is doing everything my sister in law warned me she would do. I'm hoping once she realizes her games won't work we can work on our marriage and fix things. I've scheduled family counseling with a therapist who specializes in blending. I'm hoping she will attend with us.
I guess you think I should
I guess you think I should have waited and sat there like a lump while she toyed with me? Dinner was at 7 and she showed up a half hour late to show me who was in charge exactly like my sister in law said she would. I just didn't play her game. My prenup will hold up nicely. My brother wrote it and that is what he specializes in. I'm hoping not to have to use. I do love my wife I am just sick of this drama and her games.
I know why she is angry but
I know why she is angry but those aren't things I am willing to change. They are non negotiable. My kids aren't going to disappear nor will I stop supporting them in the custom they are use to.
*psssssst - she does it for a
*psssssst - she does it for a living also.... i'm not getting into either side, this is just as an FYI
Lol. It is just common sense.
It is just common sense. There are all kinds of protections for the "non family member." DH and I went into business with a third party, for instance, and there were lots of extra steps and stuff we had to do to ensure we weren't steamrolling the outsider.
Should also mention - it sounds like Gunner set up a certain financial situation regarding her and her kids before they were married or early in the marriage and now he wants to change it because she has complaints about his kids / didn't want to vacation with them. That's probably not going to look too good for him if this does head to the courts.
Lol. It is just common sense.
It is just common sense. There are all kinds of protections for the "non family member." DH and I went into business with a third party, for instance, and there were lots of extra steps and stuff we had to do to ensure we weren't steamrolling the outsider.
Should also mention - it sounds like Gunner set up a certain financial situation regarding her and her kids before they were married or early in the marriage and now he wants to change it because she has complaints about his kids / didn't want to vacation with them. That's probably not going to look too good for him if this does head to the courts.
stop stressing dude.... I've
stop stressing dude....
I've done it as well, appointment at 7... 10 past 7 I leave without a word.... sorry SO, if you can't inform me you are going to be late then you are not worthy of my time....
SO quickly learned to text me if he's going to be late....
" you will never find another
" you will never find another woman like her".. WELL.. I hope not. lol!
Seriously, it seems her priorities were for you to pay for her and her kids. That is a non starter in my books.
However, I would get thee to an attorney asap to make sure you have your ducks in a row for the certain money grab that she is going to make in the divorce!
I'm not ending my marriage
I'm not ending my marriage because of 10 minutes. Where did you get that from? As for the rest, I am looking for advice not to be told I am fake.
So why didn't she just text
So why didn't she just text him to say she was running late/caught in traffic and would be there about 7.30 like an adult.
I wouldn't leave my friends let alone my DH sitting waiting for me turn up with out contacting them to let them know it just rude not to. There time is as important as mine.
DirtyD - I simply say, if
DirtyD - I simply say, if parking is a problem it's a problem, not only for one night, you have to leave your house early enough to be on time for an appointment, nothing stops you from being early as well....
and if you are running late... a simple text saying running late..... will do.... and it's manageable, when you wait at a traffic light or what ever... take seconds to send that
she knew what the discussion
she knew what the discussion would be about, it was about their future as a married couple...
and sorry she was not really interested in that, only in letting him sit there waiting for her, she wanted control....
this is how I see it, I mean honestly if I was in her shoes I would've left early and made sure I'm on time, or at least text saying going to be late... but she clearly showed how important her marriage is to her, why would he sit around waiting then? He got the message loud and clear
Totally agree, Acra. The
Totally agree, Acra. The dinner was IMPORTANT. She could have called. She could have left earlier. When she called him at 7:30 she could have been conciliatory and apologetic. I'm sure he would have been open to her if she had been.
Instead she was angry and storming around making that most cliched of threats, "I'm better than anyone else you can find." Yeah, she thinks real highly of her husband, doesn't she?
Who would leave their spouse hanging knowing the whole marriage might depend on this dinner? Someone who's doing a power play or just doesn't care, that's who. And believe me, I am not the most punctual person on earth and even I know that.
boubdries Sorry, but I am
Sorry, but I am laughing over this type. I guess it's my covfefe of typos...
Gunner, I've read your thread
Gunner, I've read your thread and don't understand the anger towards you other then the fact your are a man and not a women.
I get that you are not ending your marriage on her being 10 mins late for dinner, I totally understand it because of her behavior towards your children and you.
She doing what most GUBM's do on here and the step-mum's supported on how to deal with it.
And as for your wife she needs to stop giving ultimatums and playing games and actually sit down and have a grown conversation about whatever is bothering her.
How would she like if you told her her kids need to go and live their father, and you will not be at home every other weekend when they are with her.
Gunner, in no way am I
Gunner, in no way am I convinced that your wife was solely out for your money. Not enough data. The feelings about the extra money going to the other house can create a complex set of issues that are not about the money itself. Her demands about money may have more to do with feeling like the concubine while the "real" wife gets the status. She may be trying to claim her place as your life partner. Could be.
What I have a problem with is her very sub-par problem solving. If she can't figure out how to be direct without making threats or digging in her heels you will have a rocky time with her no matter what. She should have been telling you long ago what her objections were to your kids' behavior and she should have been willing to learn that her kids have flaws, too. She didn't. She tried a series of sneaky moves to cut them out then she suddenly attempted to cut them out outright. That is not partnering.
You have offered counseling. She needs to take you up on that. I don't care that you made an appointment before she could choose the time or person. Why doesn't she just say, "that's a good idea, but I'd rather go to this doc, ok with you?" Refusing at all is a bad sign and if the reason is her objection to your so-called "unilateralism" that is like being thrown a life preserver and the drowner turns up their nose, "You didn't let me pick the orange one over the red one so I'm just gonna keep drowning."
I'd be interested to know, gunner. Does your sister in law know your wife personally? Did she come up with these theories derived from her experiences with this woman? Or was she saying women in general will do xyz?
I think if your family has been cautious or even suspicious about her before that maybe they see things we can't and that you were blinded to.
And, please, her marriage is on the razor's edge. She should have showed up reasonably on time or called to warn you about traffic holding her up or whatever.
Gunner, I hope you can hold
Gunner, I hope you can hold strong. It does sound like the MRS is playing. And has been playing for quite a while.
Don't let the FemBots here get you. A lot of us here, (don't jump me guys...you know it's true) are anti-BM and anti-dad because we are the "Put Upon Step Mom." Thing is. Your wife is playing games that are just plain manipulative.
She is using the kids, yours and hers, as artillary. This is war, Gunner. You have won a battle. Don't give up anymore territory.
I can't stop laughing about
I can't stop laughing about BOUBDRIES... }:)
sounds french....
sounds french....

and it happened twice.... lol
and it happened twice.... lol
Double Boubdries...
Double Boubdries...
Boubdries, Covfefe... Should
Boubdries, Covfefe...
Should we make Boubdries into an appetizer that's served with Aniki's Covfefe?
that's a lovely idea!
that's a lovely idea!
You waited only 10 minutes
You waited only 10 minutes and would not even text that you are leaving? Ugh?
Your wife shouldn't have
Your wife shouldn't have asked you to choose between her and time with your kids that is messed up. I admit my skids annoy the hell out of me but, I would never ask my DH to choose between us own kids and me.
I agree, who does that? My
I agree, who does that? My SDs annoy the crap out of me, but as a mother myself, I would never ask my DH to choose. He would lose, as would I if I asked him to chose.
On the other hand, I have a sneaky suspicion that your wife is PO'd about all the money that is going out the door to your ex-wife. How much is it? Ballpark....I'm talking the over and above CS amount. She is probably mad you are making her pay for half her vacation, while the EX is sitting pretty on extra money from you. You should probably rethink your boundaries with your ex. Even though you may get along, you still need boundaries.
So is there a set amount for
So is there a set amount for CS OP or is there extra money going to the ex?
From what I understand, OP
From what I understand, OP pays money for kid related things over and above his CS obligation and he can afford to do so... in addition he has been paying his wife's bills and paying towards her children's private school education.
So.. OP is paying for extras for HIS kids, but he also pays for things for HER kids (not his bios) and HER as well. I believe she is resenting the money flowing towards the EX because she sees it as money that could be used towards her or her children instesd. HIS income by the way... he also covers all living expenses for his home.
So, while his kids may be a bit spoiled, he can most likely afford it and it isn't his wife's place to tell him how he should spend the money that he earns as long as it isn't taking from his obligations to keeping up his end of the bills at home (which he more than does by paying for everything plus stuff for HER kids and her personal bills).
Oh ok I can understand that
Oh ok I can understand that the wife shouldn't be mad about that because OP didn't make her kids and has his own kids to take care of. If OP wants to do something for his kids with his money that is his business. Every situation and household is different though. In my case I would be upset if my DH was paying extras as we are on a set budget and cannot afford extras.
In his case, he apparently
In his case, he apparently can afford to be generous. I guess we might be missing some nuance where his current wife feels their household is suffering financially because of his support but I am guessing there isn't anything like that.
What I do get a feeling is that perhaps his kids are maybe a little less perfect to his wife than he may think but unilaterally telling him that she won't stay unless the money spigot is turned on for HER???? that speaks volumes. Not sure I would want to save the marriage even if my kids were being jerks.
Gunner, I think it's good you
Gunner, I think it's good you talked to your family about this, as they actually know your wife, and can give you potentially better advice.
The fact that she showed up at home at 8:30 at your home shows she did want to talk, so that's a good sign, but being a half hour late for an important dinner is definitely playing.
I really have a hard time believing a woman with her own children would make a man she loves choose between her and his own children. That's not right. What if Gunner ended up with full custody? Oh the horror!
My DH gave above and beyond for SD, and I honestly think my SD will end up with more material things in life than our children together. I don't care, however, because I would rather give my children my time and energy than just pay the extras SD is accustomed to. If our children were really lacking, that's a different story. If they weren't my DH's own children, then they definitely would not deserve anything from him unless he voluntarily wanted to give something. My DH does very well for himself, but we both prefer to live under our means, which is not the lifestyle he had with BM. I don't resent her or him for living differently in the past than we do now.
I do think it is an interesting point that a family member drafting a pre-nup is not necessarily the best idea, even if he does specialize in that. I would think he could draft one and then send you to a third party to make sure it sticks. That said, after only 2 years of marriage, I can't believe she would be entitled to much anyway.
If you do want to work things out and she doesn't like that you chose the counselor, why not tell her to pick one out and you will attend with her. This way she feels like she gets some control, but you get what you both want and need in seeing one.
Row, row, row this "crew"
Row, row, row this "crew" gently away from me...
*Mofo closes door quietly and tip toes away*
Mofo, is it too exCREWciating
Mofo, is it too exCREWciating for you to read? LOL
Ha! I see what you did
Ha! I see what you did there. Well played, Aniki... Well played.
(No subject)
I think you meant
I think you meant "Ex-Screw-Sciating"?
Choosing to gossip about your
Choosing to gossip about your wife with your brother and SIL shows poor character. From what you've said, your wife is clearly not the only one with an ugly side, or who is playing games.
Money and ultimatums aside
Money and ultimatums aside the biggest issue I have here is your wife's unwillingness to accept your children or do anything to blend your family. Then to turn around and tell you that you are to pay for private school for her kids?
There is so much everyone has
There is so much everyone has already said - however - I think the straw that broke the camel's back for me is her complete lack of willingness to go to counseling.
I must be jaded after all
I must be jaded after all these years, but I'm already bored with this tale of make-believe woe. Pretty sure all the classic dramatic elements have already been hit though, so where to next? How does this most eventful story play out? Is it mandatory for all of these sagas to end with someone killing a dog? That would suck, but at least we'd know it was over.