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h7's picture

There is something I need to get off my chest this morning...

To you men, you BF's & SF's who treat the kids as your own, Kudos! You have my respect & my admiration, because in my experience, men like you are all too scarce.

I admit, I've had some bad experiences throughout most of my life. But my first father figure was my grandfather - my mother's father. He was an ambitious man who took care of his responsibilities, had an open mind, was kind & generous to everyone he met (whether it was socially acceptable or not) but he was not a man you would want to trifle with. And he put family first above everything.

Society teaches us that fathers are not as important as mothers, but that's a load of crap. Take it from one who lost her only real father figure at the age of 4 (he passed away from an illness). My BF didn't want to have anything to do with me, my first SF was a bully & my current SF treated me like I was worthless. You'd think I'd have no self worth, but I do. I have a tremendous amount of self worth, & it's because of my grandfather. When I start doubting myself or come up against something, I think of my grandfather. (Oh yes, I remember him very well) What would he say? What would he do? Would he let someone treat me like crap? If he wouldn't, why should I allow it? It's him that gives me the self confidence I need, because I sure haven't gotten it from many other people in my life.

On a different note, maybe I have such a hard time dating because no one seems to measure up to my grandfather. Hmm.


wildlife's picture

My DH is SF to my two girls and you never saw a man who is more patient and gentle with them. I love my DH all the more because he is so good to my kids. My youngest adores him.