I want to know...why biomom does not include me?
I want to know why biomom emails my husband on updates/schedule regarding ss and does not cc me on it? I too watches him, you would think you would let that person know too. I want to know why she is eliminating me out of the picture? It's been 6 yrs now and I have watched her son all through these years. What is her real feelings towards me?
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I understand wanting to be
I understand wanting to be included and informed but I have to agree with cll1764 somewhat. It is your husbands job keep you updated, not hers. Stuff with the stepkids affect our house and our schedules and our lives, that makes it our 'business' but I think that these expectations should be held for our signifigant others not the ex. I wouldn't take it personally
It probably just makes an already complicated situation a little easier making plans with one person as opposed to bringing in all the stepparents!
What's weird is when she includes you but not your husband. Lately when BM wants to tell us something she only emails me, not my BF. Doesn't even cc it to him. Before she'd send the email to him and bcc it to me, then she'd just send it to both of us...but now it's just me. It's weird.
I agree with skye and cll, don't take this too personally.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*